codeorange wrote: I can't do this anymore. So what does that mean, Zezima? The fact is, everything around me just feels like a big distraction. I constantly keep getting stressed out trying to do something to help myself out when it comes to furthering my education. I feel some kind of pressure that's harrassing me right now, and it kinda shows because I've had some trouble sleeping lately. Whenever I do try to relax, I just feel stressed out. It's as if it's unavoidable now. Of course, when I read your post in that topic about Mighty, you clearly said "codeorange is reading less and less of the subject and more of the topic title."
You know what? That's true, Zez. Maybe I should just back away from these forums for a long while until I get my priorities straight? I might as well since the activity rate for these boards haven't been going as well as a few weeks ago, and there's nothing really big that will be going on around here anyway. I know you'll try your best to support your boards, but why should I waste my time trying to think up of posts that will not make any sense in the long run?
I think it's time that I announce my leave from these forums. You don't have to make a topic about it, and it doesn't matter to me if you do make one or not. It's just too much for me right now, Zezima. I'm starting to let you down, and I hate it whenever I start acting stupid and like a spammer. I'm tired of doing the same things over and over again. I'm tired of all the distractions around me. I'm tired of almost everything. I want things to change. I have a desire to one day actually be an adult and have responsibilities that go with being an adult. I want to have a family in the future, Lord willing.
The thing is, if I'm not helping you in any way, and if I'm not carrying my weight around like I used to, then I have no reason to be here. It's not because I don't like you or any of the other guys, it's just that I'm getting distracted. I feel like I'm losing energy and sleep trying to bounce around from place to another and then seemingly return to square one. I can't afford to do that. You guys have always been awesome to me. You carry yourselves the right way, and you have fun doing what you do just being Sonic fans. I respect that. Go ahead and continue to help out other Sonic fans with any questions that they may have. Make these boards more active. I absolutely approve of it.
I believe the only posts that I will make from here on in will be for my fan fic that you see in the Fiction forum called Painted Over, because that ties into an actual game proposal idea that I had in mind, believe it or not. Once I'm done with that fan fic (and I'm far from done with it), then codeorange will be gone for some time. There you go, dude. I just can't struggle with this anymore, and I sincerely wish that you don't post every single detail that I just said here in any upcoming posts of yours.
All I need now is your email address so that we can stay in touch. I'll update you on my progress when I can.
There's nothing more to say, Zezima Hushimo, my friend. The codeorange light has gone off for now.
*curtain drops*
Rest In Serenity... codeorange.
Last edited by Zezima on May 26th 2010, 5:39 pm; edited 1 time in total