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    Post by Zez July 6th 2009, 6:59 am

    What areas of your personality do you think need improvement? I care too much what other people think.
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    Self Help Empty Re: Self Help

    Post by Sonic Fan July 6th 2009, 7:48 am

    Like Zezima said, I worry too much about what people think of me. I'm continually worried that people are thinking something bad about me, and because I've got such a low opinion of myself to start with, I always think THEY ARE thinking something bad, when really they probably aren't. I can't wear my Sonic T shirts out, because every time I do I walk around with my arms folded terrified someone will say something bad about me.

    I need to start controlling my anger easier. Yesterday I cut my left arm and right leg because I was upset about something, and now I regret it because my leg's in agony, and full of cuts. I have a real temper when I want to. XD I also tend to fall out with pretty much every ebay member I buy from, because they annoy me easily, and so I argue with them, I've also ruined my reputation on another forum I post at, by having 2 anger outbursts, so yeah, I REALLY need to improve this area of my personality.
    I also used to hate pretty much everyone in the world, I didn't have a good word to say about ANYONE, I even used to have a list of people I want dead! XD Since I've grown up, this bad side of me has gone, and now I'm a much nicer, friendlier person.

    I believe pretty much everything people tell me. Ok, don't get me wrong I'm not STUPID, but I trust what people say easily, I feel what everyone else say must be true, so I tend to agree with them, in recent years I've tried telling myself that not everything they say is true, and I find it's right, people have indeed lied to me before, at least I'm starting to realize this now.

    I need to stop feeling so jealous, it's such a horrible feeling! Every time a friend I make in RL goes off and spends time with one of their other friends, I get jealous. Every time, say a Sonic collector gets a new rare item, I get jealous. Every time something good happens to one of my friends, I get jealous- it's horrible feeling like this, but I can't seem to help it. I'm desperate to change this area of my personality, but it's hard. ><

    One of the main areas of my personality I need to change more than anything, is learning how to socialize properly again. You see, I was homeschooled for 4 years and all my friends stopped bothering with me, I spent 4 years being by myself not talking to anyone other than family members, and so it's left me extremely shy, and I NEVER approach people first, both online and IRL. I also can't start conversation and I'm terrified of looking people in the eye. I've spent a year at college, and while it's helped somewhat build my confidence and socializing skills (like I can now carry on the conversation when people talk to me), I'm still as shy and lonely as ever, I've pretty much spent the whole year at college being completely silent, as no one bothers speaking to me because I don't look approachable, and they think I don't talk because I don't want to have anything to do with anyone, which isn't true. So yeah, my aim when I go back in September is to start looking more approachable, even though there's no way I have the confidence to approach people first yet.

    I think I'll stop there, I'll probably be here all day otherwise! XD I hope these are all things to do with changing my personality, I'm not sure. =S

    Self Help Kz2PK

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    Self Help Empty Re: Self Help

    Post by Sunset July 8th 2009, 4:36 am

    I over analyze myself, I'm too critical of myself, I'm not willing to accept someone else's opinion if it differs from mine, I do things without thinking, I cry too easily, I don't trust anyone, I'm too shy, I care way too much about what people think, whenever someone compliments me I usually respond with something mean because I don't believe them, I only think of myself, I get jealous too easily, I make a big deal out of nothing.

    I'm gonna stop there for now, I'm sure there are more but I just can't think of any.

    Self Help Kz2PK

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    Self Help Empty Re: Self Help

    Post by Shadow July 14th 2009, 8:02 pm

    I need to get in shape, because I really am out of shape. I did used to have to get serious about my education but I have gotten much better at that, that is why I am not on here as much.

    Self Help VOZLn

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    Self Help Empty Re: Self Help

    Post by Auflodern July 14th 2009, 8:07 pm

    hello everyone I am Kriegsmarine and I'm an alchoholic

    Just kiddin!

    but I seriously need help turning in homework. it is boring and time consuming for somthing that I fully understand! *eyetwitch*

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    Self Help Empty Re: Self Help

    Post by NeoMetalSonic July 14th 2009, 8:08 pm

    I need help keeping my sanity

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    Self Help Empty Re: Self Help

    Post by Army July 14th 2009, 8:17 pm

    Anger. I get mad real fast sometimes

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    Self Help Empty Re: Self Help

    Post by silversapphire919 July 15th 2009, 6:48 pm

    I feel like I nearly have split personalities. A lot of times, I'll feel like a basket case, who can't understand or stand anything, and other times I'll feel carefree and like the wind. Also, I have times where I act mature and pleasant, and other times where I am childish and act like a 5 year old.

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    Self Help Empty Re: Self Help

    Post by XNinjaRed July 16th 2009, 11:34 am

    Zezima wrote:I care too much what other people think.
    Bravo, bravo, you got it.

    I guess for me first impressions aren't easily broken.
    Doesn't mean my opinion can't change though.

    Self Help WFmvl

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    Self Help Empty Re: Self Help

    Post by ItsTehCooper July 16th 2009, 2:11 pm

    I need to not be so violent. When someone ticks me off, my first instinct is to strangle them.

    (No wonder I can't get a girlfriend!)

    Self Help WFmvl

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    Self Help Empty Re: Self Help

    Post by enter08 July 20th 2009, 10:51 am

    I cannot relax. I'm always worried about something, I don't smile and I'm listening to much to the comments around myself.

    Self Help VOZLn

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    Self Help Empty Re: Self Help

    Post by Zez July 22nd 2009, 3:30 am

    XNinjaRed wrote:
    Zezima wrote:I care too much what other people think.
    Bravo, bravo, you got it.

    :Mr. Green: I feel empowered.

    XNinjaRed wrote:I guess for me first impressions aren't easily broken.

    Zezima wrote: I feel empowered.

    XNinjaRed wrote:Doesn't mean my opinion can't change though.

    :Mr. Green: I feel empowered x2!

    Self Help VOZLn

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    Self Help Empty Re: Self Help

    Post by Zez January 17th 2010, 7:47 pm


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    Self Help Empty Re: Self Help

    Post by Hidethegames January 18th 2010, 10:46 am


    I'm way too short-tempered. Especially with my family, and I end up screaming. Sometimes my friends annoy me so much when we talk about tests and I get really angry, but I try not to show it with them.

    I always worry about how I look too, and I change style too drastically xD Um.... I dressed tomboyish in middle school, but now I'm dressing more like a girl, because I feel like a hobo with my t-shirts, lol.

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    Self Help Empty Re: Self Help

    Post by Jmh January 18th 2010, 8:13 pm

    Nothing wrong with me. :Der:

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