by Moran June 4th 2012, 5:15 am
>need to rely on deception to kill your enemy
Enforcer, spysicle, dead ringer. Battle spy. Dead ringer tanks the damage even if they know you feigned death with it, (They will if you're a properly murderous battle spy.) enforcer wrecks their shit, and spysicle makes pyros, the spy's natural arch nemesis, useless if you're even half-way decent, because it gives you plenty of time to get out of the fire before you even take any sort of damage and only takes 15 seconds to recharge.
Rape engies and their machines, take sniper shots to the head virtually unscathed due to the dead ringer and then backstab them, charge at heavies head on and jump around their back to backstab them, laugh in the face of pyros and even troll them into airblasting you where you want to go if you're really good, kill scouts like you're playing duck hunt, etc.