The ancient lands.

Nnoitra Hushimo
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    xxhi im newxx


    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 WFmvl

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    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Empty Re: xxhi im newxx

    Post by amygirl06 December 31st 2011, 4:08 am


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    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Empty Re: xxhi im newxx

    Post by Moran December 31st 2011, 4:15 am

    The realm of my sexual fantasies and fancies is best left largely unexplored and unexplained to the likes of you. Assuming pedophilia is present there, it wouldn't be anywhere near the worst of it. There's also the fact that I find anything with a level of stupidity so severe as your own impossible to be sexually attracted to. And yes, I did indeed hack the webcam.

    Now, since we're discussing sexuality, what about yours? You're not exactly clean yourself. The readings are a bit fuzzy because of distance and interference and so on, but what I can tell is that at some point you've had, and maybe still do have, a crush on someone you feel you shouldn't have. An older brother, perhaps? Your father? Maybe someone of the same gender?

    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 WFmvl

      : Female

     Posts: : 17

    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Empty Re: xxhi im newxx

    Post by amygirl06 December 31st 2011, 4:19 am

    u r just a mental freak who is pathetically trying to creep me out aint workin

      : Female

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    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Empty Re: xxhi im newxx

    Post by Moran December 31st 2011, 4:23 am

    Oh no, it's definitely working. I can tell by small bits of your expressions and body language. You may be able to fool any onlookers into thinking that I'm not having any effect, but both of us know better than that.

    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 VOZLn

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    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Empty Re: xxhi im newxx

    Post by Techimo December 31st 2011, 5:54 am

    amygirl06 wrote:u r just a mental freak who is pathetically trying to creep me out aint workin
    Just. Get. Out.
    Twixie Hushimo
    Twixie Hushimo

    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 VOZLn

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    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Empty Re: xxhi im newxx

    Post by Twixie Hushimo December 31st 2011, 8:52 am

    Bubble disapproves, sorry.

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    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Empty Re: xxhi im newxx

    Post by Moran December 31st 2011, 9:20 am

    It seems plausible that I drove him off. And yes, it's a he. Born in '99, male, UK citizen, and the user of multiple e-mails that could be found to obviously belong to a singular entity if they were found within a few hundred miles of each other. On the same site a few minutes apart when it's already obvious that the two associated accounts are from the same person, i.e. him? Forget about secrecy when you're that unsubtle. Also, I learned all of that and his first name (I'm courteous enough to not reveal it publicly just yet.) from his e-mail name alone. I haven't even bothered to look at any related profiles, divine his IP, or anything yet and I might not even have a good reason to if he doesn't return. This boy could learn a thing or twelve trillion about subtlety.
    Twixie Hushimo
    Twixie Hushimo

    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 VOZLn

    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Medalw11xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Medal13

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    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Empty Re: xxhi im newxx

    Post by Twixie Hushimo December 31st 2011, 10:11 am

    I'm the same age, a girl, and I can still troll better.

      : Female

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    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Empty Re: xxhi im newxx

    Post by Moran December 31st 2011, 11:02 am

    You're also atypically high-functioning and, if memory serves, an only child. When parents have only one child, all their educational and disciplinary action is directed at just one child and the only influence they have among their immediate family, who they'd likely spend the majority of their time with for at the very least the first 10 or so years and probably longer. Your parents basically had a monopoly on developing your personality. It's said that even people with IQs measuring half of normal (50ish as opposed to 100ish) are at the very least humble and accepting of their statistical stupidity if raised in such a fashion by good parents. When you're blessed with a high capacity for thought, it's even harder to screw up that environment; that is, even if the parents are terrible they usually display enough adult-like behavior for the child to pick up and form their own persona where the gaps by the parents' various failings were. Being raised by a single parent who either follows the same gender typing as the child or is notably gender-neutral, but can still take care of the child has been shown to result in an even more "elven" (If you can forgive that use of such an arcane trait description for lack of a better term coming to mind) sort of person given high intellect in some cases. This alleged troll -- really, he's probably just a fool -- likely has an intellectual capacity sufficiently lower than your own and/or hails from an environment that is not so vastly blessing in the aspect of cultivating powerful thought.

    A bit pitiful, really.
    The Freedom Fighter
    The Freedom Fighter

    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 ZtZYh

    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Blackr10xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Medalw11xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Zigzag10xxhi im newxx - Page 2 White10xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Medal13xxhi im newxx - Page 2 2nio02t

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    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Empty Re: xxhi im newxx

    Post by The Freedom Fighter December 31st 2011, 1:34 pm

    Mly wrote:It seems plausible that I drove him off. And yes, it's a he. Born in '99, male, UK citizen, and the user of multiple e-mails that could be found to obviously belong to a singular entity if they were found within a few hundred miles of each other. On the same site a few minutes apart when it's already obvious that the two associated accounts are from the same person, i.e. him? Forget about secrecy when you're that unsubtle. Also, I learned all of that and his first name (I'm courteous enough to not reveal it publicly just yet.) from his e-mail name alone. I haven't even bothered to look at any related profiles, divine his IP, or anything yet and I might not even have a good reason to if he doesn't return. This boy could learn a thing or twelve trillion about subtlety.
    When someone last tried to track me, they thought I lived on the other side of town,, your methods aren't reliable.
    SonicFan001 wrote:No, Mly is not crazy. Intelligent, but not crazy.
    No. Believe me, it is the opposite. Sure, he knows things, but he's more crazy than smart.

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    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Empty Re: xxhi im newxx

    Post by Moran December 31st 2011, 1:43 pm

    Well I've since yanked his IP out of the server and ran all I got through some stuff real quick. All that and much more was found to be almost surely true.

    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Imagee10

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    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Empty Re: xxhi im newxx

    Post by Jmh December 31st 2011, 4:12 pm

    Uh... Yeah, welcome to TSC.
    Adeio Vasilia
    Adeio Vasilia

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    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Empty Re: xxhi im newxx

    Post by Zezima December 31st 2011, 4:53 pm

    Jmh wrote:Uh... Yeah, welcome to TSC.

    It's a wonder we get any new members at all.
    The Freedom Fighter
    The Freedom Fighter

    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 ZtZYh

    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Blackr10xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Medalw11xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Zigzag10xxhi im newxx - Page 2 White10xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Medal13xxhi im newxx - Page 2 2nio02t

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    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Empty Re: xxhi im newxx

    Post by The Freedom Fighter January 3rd 2012, 2:21 am

    I know I wouldn't want to be around Mly.

      : Female

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    xxhi im newxx - Page 2 Empty Re: xxhi im newxx

    Post by Moran January 3rd 2012, 3:41 am

    Hmph. Everyone loves my morbidly crazy and occasionally sexually confusing charms, and you know it. *curls up a long silver loch of hair around his finger and giggles girlishly, then lets it drop back down*

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