The ancient lands.

The Freedom Fighter
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    Reflective Catharsis

    Adeio Vasilia
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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Reflective Catharsis

    Post by Zezima July 26th 2012, 11:31 am

    So this may seem like a weird thing to ask, but give me a minute. This isn't for the purpose of attention or egomania, if I wanted that I would have made this an interview topic, which I don't want anyway.

    The short of it is, I want to know what you think of me. Who am I to you? Friends are the truest mirrors, and I haven't looked at myself in a good while. My personality's been in constant flux since I've introduced myself and I'm beginning to believe I don't even have a set personality, that I just mold myself to whatever I see suitable, and that's seemed to have worked out less than ideally.

    If I get a better idea of how I'm viewed by you, I can work harder to improve myself. It's like persona feedback, I suppose, I simply want to be the best person I can be, and the opinions of those who interact with me on a daily basis would be the best to seek for advice, analysis, and self-reform, seeing as they would know me the best, perhaps better than I know myself.

    Thing is I'm not really proud of how I've been lately, it's as though I've been in a steady decline for a long while and I'm lacking some nondescript element to allow me to restore myself to when I was an overall better person.

    If you do indeed want to help me, please make a serious reply, this is the one time I'm not really going to want to entertain inanity.

    So, who is Zezima?

    Reflective Catharsis Imagee10

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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Re: Reflective Catharsis

    Post by Schnickelfritz July 26th 2012, 11:38 am

    I'm reflecting on how much of a funny word catharsis is.

    In all seriousness, I wouldn't worry, Zezzy. Your persona may fluctuate a bit, but the real person is still there- a friendly guy who only wants the best for things he loves. Sure, you may be a little jerky from time to time, but everyone is, and there are definitely a lot of people who are worse than you. You do your best to make this forum what it is now, and we've gotten more than 50 members in little more than 2 weeks. The reason we have active members isn't only because we respect the community, you know.

    Tl;dr- u r cool, 100%

    Reflective Catharsis Kz2PK

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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Re: Reflective Catharsis

    Post by Link451 July 26th 2012, 11:46 am

    In all seriousness, I see you as a great man with good intentions. Never thought anything less of you.

    Reflective Catharsis Imagee10

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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Re: Reflective Catharsis

    Post by NeoMetalSonic July 26th 2012, 12:24 pm

    Well Zezima I see you as a kid with big ambitions. You always want attention and acceptance from your peers. You're willing to go great lengths to get what you want. Not that I'm implying there is anything wrong with these.

    Reflective Catharsis Imagee10

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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Re: Reflective Catharsis

    Post by Nuva July 26th 2012, 1:49 pm

    I don't interact with you an awful lot, so my view is probably not as accurate as the others, but from I've seen from you, you work to get what you want done, and to help keep this forum going. You also seem to have slight confidence problems, as evidenced from this topic and not letting people see a picture of yourself (your eye doesn't count, hah) or hear your voice. If that is the case then you could probably do to be me assured with how you are, and less worried with how you think others perceive you. I've known too many great people who think they're awful or otherwise not a good person and let it get them down when they have no reason to, and I'd rather not see it happen to you too, Zez. Again, this might not be a great analyses like you wanted, but I gave what I got, I guess.

    Reflective Catharsis VOZLn

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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Re: Reflective Catharsis

    Post by *ShiningStar* July 26th 2012, 2:38 pm

    You are an ambitious person who dreams big and only wants the best for his site. You are hardworking and intelligent. When you are at TSC welcoming new members, you are inviting people to come here. You are a very polite person you is nice to everyone, however, people shouldn't take your kindness for granted because you will bring the hammer down if necessary.

    You are also very skilled at making new members feel at home. I was uneasy at first when this site was recommended to me, but as soon as I joined, you helped me fit right in. I see you as a strong leader for his members. You do the best you can to make this place a great forum, for my sister and I. You are sweet and understanding, you always give people the option to have a second chance.

    One of the best things about you is that you're one the few admins on a forum who actually care about what the members have to say. You are active and you never hesitate to engage in conversation with your members. It's like we always have a chance to get to know you. You post in our threads and even play games with us! You even join in some friendly competition! You are very involved in what the members do and you push us to be greater. No matter how new we are, you still show us the same kind of compassion I never thought I'd receive from an Admin anywhere. Back at SoA, I was treated like one in a million. But here, my opinions matter and my voice is heard!

    But the most important aspect of your personality that I love the most is..At TSC, we are treated as family. We may bicker, we may fight, and there are times where we want to give up, but at the end of the day, we are a family with an unbreakable bond.

    And for that, I thank you.
    The Freedom Fighter
    The Freedom Fighter

    Reflective Catharsis ZtZYh

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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Re: Reflective Catharsis

    Post by The Freedom Fighter July 26th 2012, 3:58 pm

    Well, I won't write another giant post, I think. Silly But yeah, you are a good guy, you've just made some mistakes. People have done worse. I just think you need to control the spontaneous-ness a bit more, and not try to make any enemies on purpose. As admin, you're going to have people like SA2 who will be your enemy even without reason, but as life, TV, movies, video games, etc. have taught us, they can bite us back, especially if they come back stronger than ever. So just be careful about that stuff and you'll be fine.

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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Re: Reflective Catharsis

    Post by Jmh July 26th 2012, 4:43 pm

    I'll be honest, I've always seen you as a friend, even if it's just the internet. And yes, you do have outstanding leadership skills, which is probably why a lot of users stayed here in the first place (Myself included). You do have a good way of getting people into the forums, so I would recommend keeping that up. Also, TFF basically said this already, but I'd personally recommend a more peaceful approach with your enemies, since TSC needs all the support it can get, even from people who may be hard to cooperate with.

    I know this isn't as constructive as you would have wanted, but I said what I truly think about you.

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    Post by sykog July 26th 2012, 7:06 pm

    Well the fact that that this forum is still alive and well after all these years while all the other fan-made forums aren't should say a lot about you. You are a cool guy, and you know when to have fun and to take it serious. Everything just seems to be better when you're around. My only problem is when you make changes without really telling anybody.

    Reflective Catharsis WFmvl


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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Re: Reflective Catharsis

    Post by Daywalker July 28th 2012, 12:06 am

    I personally haven't interacted with you much at any forums outside of the invitation to join this one, but from what I can see from the interview you did you really seem like a really cool person that people would feel welcomed by and enjoy interacting with.

    Reflective Catharsis Kz2PK

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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Re: Reflective Catharsis

    Post by TrueBlue52 July 28th 2012, 12:09 am

    you are like a door to door salesman

    but you have a rlly cool profile pic so that makes up for it.

    also, you spick inglish very gooooo!

    Reflective Catharsis VOZLn

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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Re: Reflective Catharsis

    Post by *ShiningStar* July 28th 2012, 12:36 am

    TrueBlue52 wrote:you are like a door to door salesman

    but you have a rlly cool profile pic so that makes up for it.

    also, you spick inglish very gooooo!
    Your spelling and grammar is atrocious. For your sake, I really hope you are joking. Or that English is not your first language.

    Reflective Catharsis Imagee10

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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Re: Reflective Catharsis

    Post by Schnickelfritz July 28th 2012, 12:38 am

    *ShiningStar* wrote:
    TrueBlue52 wrote:you are like a door to door salesman

    but you have a rlly cool profile pic so that makes up for it.

    also, you spick inglish very gooooo!
    Your spelling and grammar is atrocious. For your sake, I really hope you are joking. Or that English is not your first language.
    lol wat u takin bout

    Reflective Catharsis Kz2PK

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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Re: Reflective Catharsis

    Post by TrueBlue52 July 28th 2012, 1:01 am

    *ShiningStar* wrote:
    TrueBlue52 wrote:you are like a door to door salesman

    but you have a rlly cool profile pic so that makes up for it.

    also, you spick inglish very gooooo!
    Your spelling and grammar is atrocious. For your sake, I really hope you are joking. Or that English is not your first language.

    yeah i was joking.

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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Re: Reflective Catharsis

    Post by Schnickelfritz July 28th 2012, 2:03 am

    ok cuz firs i was wurd

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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Re: Reflective Catharsis

    Post by Nuva July 28th 2012, 10:16 am

    Seriously guys there are nicer ways to ask people to use proper spelling and grammar, I can understand for like the third or so offense if they don't listen but you could try simply asking for the first and not being so rude that it makes me wonder how any new members don't want to immediately leave.
    Adeio Vasilia
    Adeio Vasilia

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    Reflective Catharsis Empty Re: Reflective Catharsis

    Post by Zezima July 29th 2012, 8:46 pm

    Zezima wrote:If you do indeed want to help me, please make a serious reply, this is the one time I'm not really going to want to entertain inanity


    Schnickelfritz wrote:ok cuz firs i was wurd

    TrueBlue52 wrote:you are like a door to door salesman

    but you have a rlly cool profile pic so that makes up for it.

    also, you spick inglish very gooooo!

    Schnickelfritz wrote:
    lol wat u takin bout

    TrueBlue52 wrote:yeah i was joking.

    Is it so hard to read?

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