The ancient lands.

RedFire Mario
DarkHero Sonic
Twixie Hushimo
Antony the Bat
Super Racer Z
Shadow Dude 64
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    The new Sonic rpg


    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Guest January 16th 2010, 11:04 pm

    Mly looked over -- down, rather, seeing as the ship had gone in nose-first -- at the tachyon phone and saw that, among other problems with it, it was smashed to pieces -- at the very least a million, maybe a billion, possibly even a quadrillion. Mly didn't care how many. All he cared about -- all he knew about the situation, as well -- was that he was abandoned on a class zero planet and the only technology he had was on the ship. Not to mention probably not functioning, after that impact. He checked the clock. It would be a good while before the black hole radiated itself out, allowing him his only exit: up. He stood up on the side of the counter he was previously sitting on and jumped down to the front of the ship. "Might as well make the best of this time," he said as he began to rummage through what was once a collection of functioning devices on-board the ship, testing them, hoping something -- anything -- worked.
    Shadow Dude 64
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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shadow Dude 64 January 17th 2010, 10:53 am

    As Mly was *Looking for stuff to work* A space station was falling out of space and heading towards plack beach on earth

    Mean while at plack beach
    "I hope I never see a inverted beast again..." Bloodshot said sitting under the palm tree
    Twixie Hushimo
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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Twixie Hushimo January 17th 2010, 11:08 am

    Sorry I was gone!

    While in the midst of all this, Ash snuck out and went to go explore.
    "Will? Bloodshot?" Ash called.
    Shadow Dude 64
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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shadow Dude 64 January 17th 2010, 11:09 am

    Bloodshot looked uo into the sky and say something falling for the forest "Oh damn Ashleys there" He said sprinting into the woods
    Twixie Hushimo
    Twixie Hushimo

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Twixie Hushimo January 17th 2010, 11:28 am

    Ash paced around the forest and prayed to leave soon.
    Shadow Dude 64
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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shadow Dude 64 January 17th 2010, 11:33 am

    "Gotcha!" Bloodshot said grabbing Ashley and putting her and his back "You really like trying to get your self killed don't you?" Bloodshot dashing passed trees.
    Twixie Hushimo
    Twixie Hushimo

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Twixie Hushimo January 17th 2010, 11:36 am

    Ash laughed, for the first time like it in ages.
    "I wouldn't exactly call it wanting to be killed," she said.
    Shadow Dude 64
    Shadow Dude 64

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shadow Dude 64 January 17th 2010, 11:39 am

    "Right then... Oh damn that coming down fast! Time to speed up!" Bloodshot said dashing as fast as he could
    Twixie Hushimo
    Twixie Hushimo

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Twixie Hushimo January 17th 2010, 11:41 am

    "I can take perfectly good care of myself," she informed him.
    Shadow Dude 64
    Shadow Dude 64

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shadow Dude 64 January 17th 2010, 11:45 am

    "PLease! I'm under too much presure trying to save us from being crushed! We'll talk later if we're still alive!" Bloodshot shouted back to Ash over the sound of the falling space station
    Twixie Hushimo
    Twixie Hushimo

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Twixie Hushimo January 17th 2010, 11:57 am

    "Whatever...what te he'll is that?" she asked, craning her neck to see the falling object.

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Guest January 17th 2010, 11:58 am

    Mly rummaged through the pile of destroyed junk all night, without sleep. This was mostly because he was modified so as to not need sleep a few Earth years back. (Only half a Chrilchan moon cycle by his homeworld's time.) He finally gave up, letting out a few choice words under his breath. Suddenly, his ears perked up as he heard, almost two hours late, that the hum of the main engine had stopped, meaning that the black hole had radiated itself out. He looked up, and to his dread, realized that the floors of the ship, which he now had to climb, were so smooth an insect would have difficulty scaling them. "I told Wiam something like this could happen. I told him to get the laddered floors. But he wouldn't listen. And now he's dead, so he doesn't have to deal with climbing a completely flat floor. But no, Mly's not so lucky. He gets to either climb out of this ship or starve to death."

    After his moping, Mly took a quick look around. About half way between him and the main area of the ship that has an outward curve on the walls, upon which he could safely stand, was the captain's control panel. He took a good jump, and missed the back side of it with his hand by a good foot and a half. He bent his legs at an almost ninety degree angle, then sprang up, this time missing the control panel by around five inches. He crouched down as low as he could and sprang up once more, finally feeling the back of it brush his finger tip. He tried with all his might, and at long last he managed to slap the back side of the control panel off. It fell squarely on his head, but he was far too busy trying to get out of the ship that was now his oubliette to worry about a thing so trivial as pain. Again he jumped with all his might, and grabbed on to a mass of wires hanging just within reach, revealed by the cover he ripped off. He firmly planted his feet on what was once the floor of the ship, and reached around to the front of the panel, feeling for a lever to pull himself up by. While he did not find a full lever, he did find the base of one, and it was large enough to hold on to. He let go of the wire bundle and slowly pulled himself up by the lever piece. He knew the control panel wouldn't hold his weight long, so he jumped carefully to the left wall of the ship and grabbed the lip of the main circle. After pulling himself up, he sat down on the lip, with one foot planted firmly on the lip itself and the other hanging. He turned around to look at the dead Wiam and saw a lit Trolmzan leaf cigarette that had somehow traveled from Wiam's mouth to his side in the chaos of the crash. "Well," he thought, "I won't last long on this Ulmecix-forsaken planet anyway. Now's as good a time as any to feel happy." He reached around and pinched the non-smokable end between his forefinger and middle finger. He let out a sigh of mixed stress and relief before inhaling the delicious nicotine.
    Shadow Dude 64
    Shadow Dude 64

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shadow Dude 64 January 17th 2010, 12:03 pm

    "Is there anything that can keep up with my speed?" He said exiting the forest and going back to the beach
    Twixie Hushimo
    Twixie Hushimo

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Twixie Hushimo January 17th 2010, 12:06 pm

    "Yes. Me," Ash hissed.
    Shadow Dude 64
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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shadow Dude 64 January 17th 2010, 12:37 pm

    "Please wait till where at the beach and we'll see"
    Twixie Hushimo
    Twixie Hushimo

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Twixie Hushimo January 17th 2010, 12:53 pm

    Ash laughed. "If you want. Will I beat you on land, air, or water?"
    Shadow Dude 64
    Shadow Dude 64

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shadow Dude 64 January 17th 2010, 12:58 pm

    At the beach "I guess we could have friendly race... Travel across the sea and then climb the cliffs. After that run down snow cape and then pass through the jungle back here! I'm ready to have some fun when your ready!" Bloodshot said stretching

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Guest January 17th 2010, 1:08 pm

    After much enjoyment, Mly smoked the cigarette down to the filter, put it out on the back of his glove, and flicked it down to the front side of the ship. He had already plotted how he would get to the engine room. He ran up the incline of the curved wall and quickly jumped off toward the captain's chair in the center of the ship. He managed to land on top of it. He quickly grabbed onto the inside edge of one of the small grooves the chair moved around in and pulled the lock release button on the chair's side. Bit by bit, he pulled himself up, and the chair with him. When the chair was level with the counters near the back of the main room, he locked it there and layed down across the counters and the chair to distribute his weight so as to prevent his footing from falling away. In a mutter-like tone, he said "I don't care if there's anything useful in those cabinets. If I try to find out, chances are something will break in a fashion that'll make it impossible for me to escape." He began waiting for his muscles to catch up with the work he'd done. They were not only burning, but downright sore from pulling his own weight and that of the massive captain's chair.
    Twixie Hushimo
    Twixie Hushimo

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Twixie Hushimo January 17th 2010, 1:10 pm

    Ash got ready. "On your mark...get set...GO!" she shouted, diving into the water and begginning to swim at the speed of light.
    RedFire Mario
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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by RedFire Mario January 17th 2010, 1:22 pm

    *RFM was sleeping under a tree until he noticed the race*

    "Hey, there's a race between Bloodshot and whoever that person is (The person is Ash, since RFM never met him yet). I wonder where DHS is at so we could also join the race"
    DarkHero Sonic
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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by DarkHero Sonic January 17th 2010, 1:23 pm

    "What are you two think you're doing!?" DHS shouting, and then he begins running after Ashley and Bloodshot.
    RedFire Mario
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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by RedFire Mario January 17th 2010, 1:27 pm

    *Runs after DHS*

    "Wait for me!"

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Guest January 17th 2010, 2:28 pm

    Mly stood up on the chair and reached up to press the open button for the engine room door. Nothing. "Even the ship is broken," he said, half like a mutter and half like a sigh. He manually opened all ten of the locks, then grabbed the emergency open handle and pulled up. (Which was currently much more back than up.) His skin began feel odd the moment the door was open. He looked up and saw a tiny black dot, that seemed to warp the light around it for maybe the radius of a large marble, floating in the middle of the spherical engine room. He realized that the black hole had not yet completely radiated out, and that he was being exposed to its tail GRB, so he quickly climbed into the engine room and out of its direct shot.

    Looking around the little black dot, Mly saw the way out of the ship. But the engine room was a massive sphere, even smoother than the floor of the main room, and there was nothing to help him on his way up, save for the walls of the room itself. Mly sat down and pondered how to get up and out.
    Twixie Hushimo
    Twixie Hushimo

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Twixie Hushimo January 17th 2010, 2:43 pm

    RedFire Mario wrote: (The person is Ash, since RFM never met him yet).

    ash is a girl.
    Shadow Dude 64
    Shadow Dude 64

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 12 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shadow Dude 64 January 17th 2010, 3:14 pm

    "Heh you have to swim?!" He said dashing over the water

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