Ok, Zezima wants to make a new Sonic Wikipedia Site to compete.
If you said yes, please suggest a name, or agree with one of the following.
1. "TSCI" / "The Sonic Community Information"
2. "Sonicatlas" or "Sonic Atlas"
3. "Sonic Wiki"
4. "TSCA" / "The Sonic Community Atlas"
5. "Bluewiki"
6. "Wikiblue"
7. "SIC" / "Sonic Information Center"
If you said yes, please suggest a name, or agree with one of the following.
1. "TSCI" / "The Sonic Community Information"
2. "Sonicatlas" or "Sonic Atlas"
3. "Sonic Wiki"
4. "TSCA" / "The Sonic Community Atlas"
5. "Bluewiki"
6. "Wikiblue"
7. "SIC" / "Sonic Information Center"