The ancient lands.

The Freedom Fighter
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    Mly T. Lagrenade Uphoff Nilworntutus Dium-Hushimo XII: The Inside Story.


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    Post by Moran June 27th 2012, 7:28 pm

    Generally, yes. There's a critical point where it just looks freakish, though that's rarely reached. And in general, human-like eyes (rounded irises) get the most d'awws for every size up. As do human-like physiques; after all, it is a "protect the children" instinct. And occasionally lolicon, but that's a whole 'nother story.

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    Post by Guest June 27th 2012, 7:31 pm

    Do you like chicken?

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    Post by Moran June 27th 2012, 7:33 pm

    Yesh. Much like iron and gold in Minecraft, you can break it down into many nuggets! And that's awesome. It's also delicious; tastes like recursion error.

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    Post by Guest June 27th 2012, 7:53 pm

    Out of everyone, how many have understood you?

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    Post by Moran June 27th 2012, 7:58 pm

    To arrive at your answer, pick a number. Any number will do. Now divide that number by infinity. By doing this, you should now be too caught up in the endlessly repeating mathematical process of dividing a number by infinity to care about the answer to your question.

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    Post by Guest June 27th 2012, 7:59 pm

    I think it's 0.

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    Post by Moran June 27th 2012, 8:01 pm

    Very smart. Then you have your answer.

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    Post by Guest June 27th 2012, 8:04 pm

    What are your greatest achievments?

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    Post by Moran June 27th 2012, 8:29 pm

    Ooh. A rather interesting question, actually. And my answer ...

    I really haven't achieved anything substantial, because I don't care to. I mostly just idle away my time.

    I won't wanna be rich; my bills are paid, and I can afford food and the occasional goodie to screw around with.

    I don't wanna rule the world, either; society could totally collapse, and I'd live. I'm serious. If a community were to form around where I live in an after-the-end scenario, I'd be able to make all kinds of stuff and assure my usefulness so nobody would dare to hurt me for fear of ripping what little remains of their world apart. Or if I were more or less the only one I could just hunt and farm and so on, gather every resource I absolutely need all by myself.

    I really have no "big goal in life," and as such I don't have readily observable achievements that seem to be leading toward any such goal. More personal pursuits tend to bore me as well. I don't normally make friends, and when I do they're generally lost in rather short order due to my lack of will to maintain such relationships, or failing that, a massive falling out that occasionally happens when one of my poorly kept "secrets" (I wouldn't call them secrets; I don't willingly hide them, I'm just rarely prompted to speak of them.) starts spreading around. I do screw around on the 'net, on sites much like this, out of lack of anything better to do most of the time. One of the few social goals that I can't resist pursuing is finding love, but that's a very private matter, so just a public acknowledgement of its existence is enough talk of that.

    My greatest achievements are my skills, probably. There's very little that I can't do completely off-the-cuff, and what I can't do off-the-cuff, I can surely do after just a few days of planning. Within the limits of modern technology and resources and such, at least; I'm not an inventor at all, but I'm a very good engineer and craftsman.

    In addition to my mental acuity, I'm not the strongest person you'll ever meet, -- Conversely, I can surely hold my own in a fight, though. -- but I'm tough as nails. I can't lift a million pounds, but try punching me in the ribs and see if anything breaks but perhaps your knuckles. I've taken so many hard knocks that my entire structure has adapted to a harsh life. I've been outright flattened in the past and crawled out with little more than a few skeletal cracks and severe bruising. An ordinary person would be somewhere between hospitalized and dead.

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    Post by Moran June 28th 2012, 4:26 pm

    *double post because robots*

    So seeing as this is more or less just my personal crap thread, and I'm not getting craptons of questions, now, after the initial storm of interest:

    Apparently I have a center of gravity typical of a female. This means that the only girly traits I don't have are the presence of tits and a pussy. This pleases me, 'cause I love being girly.


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    Post by Schnickelfritz June 28th 2012, 4:31 pm

    I wouldn't rule out your options just yet.

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    Post by Moran June 28th 2012, 4:37 pm

    Rule out my options? Hrm? Whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis?

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    Post by Schnickelfritz June 28th 2012, 4:39 pm

    You'll see. You'll see...

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    Post by Moran June 28th 2012, 4:42 pm

    Will they all see, Schnicky?

    "You'll see. ... You'll all see!!!"

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    Post by SonicFanPS2 June 28th 2012, 5:06 pm

    What are your future plans, sir?

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    Post by Moran June 28th 2012, 7:34 pm

    Future plans? Goodie, another one I can ramble about for ages!

    Well, goal one is to save up cash and found a small business, then delegate all the work beyond "collect profit" to the CEO. That probably won't take too long. 6 months, a year?

    Goal 2 is getting a college education. Psychology, business, engineering, medicine, all sorts of stuff. After getting my GED real quick, at least; damn principal at my high school screwed me out of a diploma out of spite. At that point I won't need knowledge for the sake of earning any money, just for the sake of self-betterment. I'll probably be taking college classes for the sake of my own intellect 'til I'm too old to care any more.

    I'd do the most practical stuff (Mainly along the lines of "engineering" as classified above.) first, just in case my business manages to flop, so I'll have an easier time kicking things back up again. Then business- and maybe law-related stuff, to improve my "building a corporate empire" skill. I'd just keep pushing the limits of my knowledge to the most extreme outer bounds, in defiance of the supposed innate human limits of determination and retention. And at last, I'd turn all that knowledge inward, and learn every last detail of human psychology.

    The good colleges are becoming more and more streamlined, with faster but more effective coursework, and even allowing for the skipping of courses one already knows toward whatever end goal they have. With that and my truly insane mental acuity in mind, I may be able to breeze through all of this in under a decade.

    By the end of all that, I guess I'll have met a wife, or at least a fiancee to marry once I'm done with all my study for study's sake. As well, some friends who're smart enough and honest enough to not abandon me at the first sign of trouble like the ones I gained and lost by the army all through my childhood.

    I'd have all I really want, if this all works out in the end. Understanding, friendship, love, ... And a roof over my head, (I already own an incredible home, thanks to the slow decline of my family granting me the deed shortly after my 18th birthday by pure dumb luck.) enough money to pay the bills and buy food, still having plenty left over to live comfortably, ... Then I could just live and die. Or I could, maybe, try to do what I said I don't really want to above: take over the world. Terra needs a lot of fixing to be done, after all, poor girl, and I'd love to bring about a better world.

    Maybe, if I worked exceptionally hard, I could push forward one last selfish goal with that power: discover the secret to immortality. Then I could just retire, and live forever in my self-made paradise. Regardless, I'm sure I could live a lifetime at least decently, even if this plan doesn't pan out just so.

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    Post by Zez July 6th 2012, 2:53 am

    Fun fact: Mly rambles.

    Fun fact: I point out the obvious.

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    Post by Moran July 8th 2012, 9:45 pm

    Oh hey, cap'n! Did they promote you to General Obvious yet?

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    Post by Schnickelfritz July 9th 2012, 1:41 am

    Mly is now admin.

    Schnicklefritz is now dying.

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    Post by Moran July 9th 2012, 3:25 am

    In the words of Erazor: "Okay, see you in a week."

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    Post by Schnickelfritz July 9th 2012, 11:04 am

    I never could get that dman "death" thing right.mah, well, maybe I'll try again next time something pops up that I can be over dramatic about.

    In all seriousness, congrats.

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    Post by Moran July 20th 2012, 12:36 pm


    y u no ask me questions & artificially inflate my sense of self-worth?

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    Post by Nuva July 20th 2012, 12:40 pm

    Why do you request that we ask you questions and inflate your sense of self worth?
    The Freedom Fighter
    The Freedom Fighter

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    Post by The Freedom Fighter July 20th 2012, 7:27 pm

    What really happened 5000 years ago in Egypt?

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    Post by Moran July 21st 2012, 10:23 am

    @Nuva: Because I'm an egomaniac.

    @TFF: Lots of things. Lots of complex and wordy things, even. Add it all up, and you've got one hell of a wall of text, that I'm not friggin' typing out. Could you be more specific, maybe?

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