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    Stupid Ratings VOZLn

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    Post by Zez March 28th 2009, 6:20 am

    Some people just made a big deal out of violence like in Sonic games... dude I watched +16 movies when I was 5, and I turned out OK, specially cause I learned that weapons and stupid things could hurt you .
    And there is nothing scary in Sonic Games.
    Really is Black Doom really that scary?

    Maybe Children wouldn't be so scared about violence if they learned more about the real world.
    Really, if you believe in pretty flowers and rainbows, when you see the real world you are scared to death.

    Just last year my 5 year old nephew saw me playing World of Warcraft and at the same time I was killing a lion. His Reaction:

    "killing a lion on his computer, he his really bad tell him to stop!"
    "Oh no, you better show an example and don't do that!"

    Seriously! If you tell kids that the world is a place where ponys and magical princesses live, it will be harder for them to understand the real world.

    When I was a kid, I liked heroes that always won fights, and if you think about it, what did you watch when you were kids?
    Now kids only like boring heroes that are lazy, never fight and like good things. If someone pinches someone is nowadays cartoons, they are all "Oh no! That's wrong! You can't hurt your friend like that, it's evil, OH MY GOD!"

    Well one thing it's true, if kids know about guns and stuff they have everything to become assassins or something like that!

    OK let me see... why am I not a crazy psycho because of watching violent things?
    Because my parents taught me it was bad, and I couldn't do that.

    So let kids be free!

    Of course don't exaggerate, just don't start showing porn, or extremely violent movies to children.


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    Post by NeoMetalSonic March 28th 2009, 9:18 am

    Yeah I watch all kinds of violent when I was a kid and it didn't have ANY effect on me
    *Drinks blood out of a skull*

    Stupid Ratings VOZLn

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    Post by Army March 28th 2009, 4:33 pm

    I know, I Play GTA since I was 7, I came out all right. People try to hide the truth from kids, then they think when they kids read the news for the first time they'll still believe blood is fake, murder is a lie, and poverty isn't real.

    Stupid Ratings VOZLn

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    Post by Shadow122 March 30th 2009, 8:47 am

    I was watching LOTRs when I was so little and saw Aragorn slice off an Orc head and I realized that the Orcs could be the mean ugly mudering brutes that do bad things for no reasons and Aragorn and company could be the good guys/heroes ony fighting when provoked or for good cause.

    Stupid Ratings VOZLn

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    Stupid Ratings Empty Re: Stupid Ratings

    Post by Zez April 4th 2009, 2:03 am


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    Post by NeoMetalSonic April 4th 2009, 2:05 am

    Bumpity bump bump
    Though really if the child is doing violent things because of a video game isn't the parents fault that they turn out that way?

    Stupid Ratings VOZLn

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    Post by Zez April 4th 2009, 2:06 am

    TalkingObject wrote:Bumpity bump bump
    Though really if the child is doing violent things because of a video game isn't the parents fault that they turn out that way?

    It's the parents' jobs to disciplin their offspring as best they can, and by law, if a child does anything while under 18, the parents are held responsible for all the child's actions. So the law states that a child's actions a re made responsible by the parents. So EVEN legally you're correct.

    Stupid Ratings VOZLn

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    Post by Army April 4th 2009, 2:08 am

    I just realized how much mature content is coming out in more and more kids commercials, you know what.
    Parents shouldn't complain about mature games, they should complain about mature content in kids commercial,
    Guess what, parents can stop the kids from playing the mature games, the kids can't buy the game, the parents buy it for them, they have all the saying if a kid can see the mature content in the game or not. However in kids commercial, you don't know when they could come out, you don't know if mature content comes out while you kid is watching Sponge Bob all alone, it could come out at anytime, giving you less saying if your kid See's the mature content. I really hate mature content in commercials, it annoys the nerve out of me.

    Stupid Ratings Kz2PK

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    Post by Sunset April 5th 2009, 12:29 am

    I think the situation is different for every child. Me and my younger sister are both mature and intelligent, and our parents give us free reign to play violent video games or watch rated R movies. Of course they still have limits, more for my little sister than me. Point is, if you child is stupid and easily influenced, then don't let them play or watch mature stuff. If they can handle it, let them.

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