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    The new Sonic rpg


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    Post by TheShadowWalker April 10th 2010, 11:26 am

    Otto finally came to a clearing where a bench was located. He sat down and waited. All the while, a strange figure in a bush kept its eyes on him.

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    Post by Shade April 10th 2010, 11:49 am

    Captain Emp was exhausted. He quickly downed another bottle of wine, to overcome his fatigue.
    Twixie Hushimo
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    Post by Twixie Hushimo April 10th 2010, 10:09 pm

    "I'm hoping you brought that, because that's not ours...and we don't want you being drunk and throwing up everywhere. Go to bed," Jared said.
    At that moment, there was a loud knock on the door, and without waiting for a response, the person outside flew in.

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    Post by Shade April 11th 2010, 2:53 am

    "All right, Jared", said the captain sleepily. He quickly ascended the stairs to his bed, and, once he had reached there, fell soundly asleep.
    Twixie Hushimo
    Twixie Hushimo

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    Post by Twixie Hushimo April 11th 2010, 3:15 am

    "Jared, where have you been since you were last...with us?" Ash asked.
    "Traveling Earth, and the stars...I'll take you there one day, I promise."

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    Post by Shade April 11th 2010, 6:28 am

    In bed, Captain Emp was having disturbing dreams...

    The dreams were always the same; a black hedgehog wielding a scythe was chasing the captain and slashing at him, determined to drag the pair of them into the depths of hell...

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    Post by Guest April 11th 2010, 6:53 am

    (OOC: I've been meaning to get back into this. Where's everybody at? I'm too lazy to actually read the five pages that have formed since I forgot about this. Also, this will be long, so as to make up for time lost.)

    Mly ran down the road at a leisurely pace until he noticed that the green turned into gray. He skidded to a stop and looked around at the towering skyscrapers around him.

    "Hmmm. Lovely infrastructure." He held his built-in recorder to his mouth and began to walk down the sidewalk, rambling about his discoveries so far. "Infrastructure consists of metals, glasses, concretes. Relative colorlessness and lacking flora and fauna suggests that inhabitants are neither style- nor nature-oriented. Medium-height structures suggest a late class-four civilization. Dominant civilian race is likely chordate, between five and seven feet tall by full maturation. No such beings as this have been encountered as of yet. Heretofore, only sapient beings encountered have been mammalian, between two and four feet, bearing two legs and arms, standing fully upright, and having a semi-primitive language. Physical appearance seems completely random beyond these traits."

    He played the message back and accepted its contents, then turned his attention to the street, filled with cars. He picked one parked at a stop light at random, and scanned it using his mechanical eye. Its locking device was relatively simple, and made of magnetic components. He used his mag-arm to unlock it, then opened the door and jumped in.

    "Greetings. Do not be afraid. I mean you no harm at present. Go about your activities." He locked the door behind him. "I seek information about this planet. You are expected to provide it, or there will be consequences. First, name all sapient species on this planet."
    "Say-pee-int? What the hell's that?" the man asked.
    Mly sighed. "You know, sapient. Creatures that have higher-functioning brains, that form societies, such as that."
    "Oh. Well, for the most part, it's just us humans. There's the occasional furry, though."
    "Define 'furry.'"
    "Well, they're like us humans, but they're usually a lot shorter, and they're like a hybrid between people and animals."
    "Which animals?"
    "Any animals."
    "Are they typically mammals?"
    "What's a mammal?"
    Mly groaned at how stupid the human was. "Do they have fur?"
    "Most of them, yeah."
    "Do they sweat?"
    "I guess...Why are you asking so many questions?"
    "Irrelevant. Stop answering my questions and I'll kill you. Do they have three middle ear bones?"
    "Ears have bones?"
    "Yes, you moron. Do they have a neocortex?"
    "You mean that guy in the Crash games?"
    "No. Do the females grow mammaries?"
    "What're those?"
    "You mean like on a chicken?"
    "Do they have tits or not, you dunce?"
    "Oh, yeah. Big 'uns."
    "Then they're mammals," Mly said. "Now, next, I want you to name the top ten most influential factions on this planet."
    "America, ...Um...That's the only one I know."
    "Am I correct in assuming I'm in America right now?"
    "Tell me about the legal system here."
    "Basically, you can do whatever you want. It's great."
    "Surely there are a few laws."
    "Well, long as you don't go around killing, raping, and stealing from people, you should be fine."
    "How well enforced are these laws? What weapons do the constabulary use?"
    "What's a constabulary?"
    "The cops. What weapons do the cops use?"
    "Guns. Duh."
    "What kind of guns? Lasers? Rockets? High-speed concussion projectiles?"
    "Do they use little lines of light that make things burn?"
    "Wha? No."
    "Do they use little pointy things that fly out of the gun and home in on what they want to shoot?"
    "No, they have to aim real careful."
    "So they use little, straight shot weapons?"
    "Uh, yeah."
    "Are these projectiles made of something magnetic?"
    "Um, Iunno."
    "If you hold a magnet to them, then pull away, will they stick to the magnet?"
    "Oh. Yeah."
    "Now, tell me about your technological advancement as a species."
    "Um...About what?"
    "Do you have a place where people store their money for safe keeping?"
    "Yeah. We call 'em banks."
    "Do you have places where domiciles can be rented and/or bought?"
    "Where can I get a house?"
    "Iunno. Someplace, I'm sure."
    "Where is the nearest major military installation?"
    "Nearest what?"
    "Big army base."
    "Oh. It's not really big, but there's one just north of town."
    "You are to take me to the nearest bank, or be killed."

    The conversation ended. They arrived at the bank shortly after, and Mly left the human in peace. He entered. He pressed a small button on his forearm, and a loud alarm-like noise sounded. Everyone looked at him.

    "This is a robbery. You are all to cooperate or be killed. Hand over all currency you can hand over. If there is currency you are unable to retrieve, you are expected to take me to the storage device in which it is held so that I may attempt to open it."
    One of the clerks laughed at Mly. "You don't even have a gun! We get robbed every week. You think we're going to just hand the money over!?"
    Mly pointed his finger at the wall and pulled a little bit of metal from it, then rolled it into a ball, all without so much as touching it. He then swung his finger forward. The little metal ball followed, smashed into the bullet-proof glass and bounced off. He swung again. The makeshift bullet pierced the glass this time, as well as, most gruesomely, the clerk's head. "Any further defiance? I'd gladly kill another one of you if you're not willing to hand over the money." One of the humans ran at him. He picked up his makeshift bullet and slammed it through the charging human's head. The human instantly fell over on the floor, and slid to a stop at Mly's feet, leaving a trail of red behind him and a puddle under him when he stopped.

    "As I was saying, any further defiance?"

    After the brief, but effective demonstration of Mly's might, the clerks gladly handed over the money and led him to the main vault. As it was magnetic, he had little trouble ripping the door from the gateway to cash which it guarded. He ran off holding as many bags full of money as he could carry. He stopped only when he had again reached the wilderness. He laid his spoils down and opened a compartment on his arm. He pulled out a synthesizer and stuck it in the ground. He began to record what he had learned once more.

    "Local sapient life consists of humans, which fit the aforementioned description of the dominant life, and 'furries,' a loose term used to refer to all animal-human hybrids. Banking establishments are weakly defended at best. Other structures, save for possibly military installations, likely have even fewer, if any, defensive systems. Interview with local human reveals that constabulary use high-speed concussion-based weaponry with magnetic and therefore non-dangerous shots. Infrastructure uses moderate amounts of magnetic materials as well, allowing for easy manipulation. Construction of alpha base begins at the termination of this recording."

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    Post by Shade April 11th 2010, 7:39 am

    At midnight, the captain was jerked awake by a tingle in his magic locket. He awoke, curious as to what his locket was showing him. An image of a individual formed a supermarket. He was performing a robbery. After a little while, the locket showed the clerks giving him the money. The individual then made a hasty retreat.

    Mist was forming on the image. After a few minutes, the mist on the locket reformed into the word "Mly". The captain instantly knew that this was the individual's name.

    The captain sighed and patted his locket lovingly. It was invaluable to him, due to the fact it showed him everything and anything that might interest him.

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    Post by Guest April 11th 2010, 9:43 am

    Mly brushed his quills back, layed on the ground, and sighed. "Oh, I hate this next part." He stared up at the stars for a long moment, thinking about how he would build his base. He suddenly realized how small and two-dimensional the humans must think space is, seeing only a handful of stars, seemingly wrapped equidistantly around their home-world like a blanket of black with little white dots.

    He quickly got over his profundity and pulled the little metal orb he had saved from his pocket. He grasped it with his mag-arm, and folded it into a ring around a nearby tree. Slowly, the tree was uprooted from the ground, and bit by bit was sucked into the synthesizer, which then popped out a small, white box -- a Weem reactor. Mly picked up the box and felt its warmth, then plugged one of its many connectors into the synthesizer before it ran out of energy. He continued to feed the synthesizer trees, controlling what it popped out with nothing but his thoughts.

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    Post by Shade April 11th 2010, 9:48 am

    The locket flared again, and the captain watched Mly feeding the trees to the synthesizer. Emp tried to figure out how this piece of information would be of any use to him.

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    Post by TheShadowWalker April 11th 2010, 10:51 am

    It was around this time that Otto was making his way back into the house. Everybody was asleep, so he hoped that everyone would forget. He crashed on the couch and closed his eyes.
    The dark figure opened the door and came up to Otto. He brought up a large scythe and spoke Otto's name. Otto woke up and screamed in shock. He was paralyzed in fear.

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    Post by Shade April 11th 2010, 12:33 pm

    "Otto, are you all right?", said the captain.

    "Don't worry", said Emp, "I too was woken up by a bad dream."

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    Post by TheShadowWalker April 11th 2010, 12:55 pm

    The black hedgehog stood besides Otto's head near the couch. Otto was freaking out.
    "I don't think that was a dream, Emp," he said, trying to prove himself. He looked around for the hedgehog. He saw the hooded hoodlum and pointed him out to Emp. Unfortunatly, the Captain did not see him.

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    Post by Shade April 11th 2010, 1:15 pm

    The hooded man raised his sword and swung at Captain Emp, who blocked the enemy sword at the last minute. The pair of them sparred furiously for an hour, neither of them able to get an advantage over the other one. Finally, Emp came up with a distraction.

    "Look!", said the captain, "It's a distraction!"

    The hooded hedgehog turned his head to look out of the window. The captain used this distraction to behead the enemy hedgehog with a sweep of his sword.

    "Done and Dusted!", smiled Emp with satisfaction.

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    Post by TheShadowWalker April 11th 2010, 1:20 pm

    All of a sudden, the black hedgehog came back, raised his sycthe, and went towards Otto.

    He woke up.
    "Oh, thank God it was just a dream..."
    Otto hesitated to look up. When he did, he saw the black hedgehog still standing there.
    "Don't bother screaming this time. Nobody can see me now. Except for you."
    Otto felt like crying. "Is this another dream?"
    "Sorry, this is the real deal."
    "CAPTAIN EMP!!!"
    Twixie Hushimo
    Twixie Hushimo

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    Post by Twixie Hushimo April 11th 2010, 2:01 pm

    Will came through the open door.
    "Ash? What are all these people doing....Mly?"

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    Post by TheShadowWalker April 11th 2010, 2:03 pm

    "Does anybody even SEE this guy over here?" Otto frantically said. The hedgehog just looked at him and laughed, knowing that nobody can see him.

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    Post by Shade April 11th 2010, 2:46 pm

    The captain was behind the black hedgehog as he raised his scythe towards Otto. The captain quickly plunged the sword through the heart of the black hedgehog. To ensure safety this time, the captain used his magic to banish the black hedgehog to hell.

    "You can relax, Otto", said the Captain, "It's over".

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    Post by TheShadowWalker April 11th 2010, 3:25 pm

    "How did you see it?" Otto said in fear. "He said nobody could!"

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    Post by Shade April 11th 2010, 3:37 pm

    "He forgot about me", said the captain, "Otto, I'm a user of magic. There's a reason that I know what Mly is doing all the time, and that is because it shows me on my locket, which would not work if I did not have willpower. It is that same willpower that allowed me to see the black hedgehog and kill him".

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    Post by TheShadowWalker April 11th 2010, 3:45 pm

    "I still don't get it, but as long as you don't ask me any questions abo--"
    Otto caught himself and dare not speak another word about it.

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    Post by Shade April 11th 2010, 4:13 pm

    "About what?", asked the captain sternly.

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    Post by TheShadowWalker April 11th 2010, 4:35 pm

    Otto tried his best to change the topic. "So, where did you guys go?"

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    Post by Shade April 11th 2010, 4:40 pm

    "I'm not changing my mind, Otto", said the captain, "About what?"

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    Post by TheShadowWalker April 11th 2010, 4:42 pm


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