The ancient lands.

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    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e)


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    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Empty A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e)

    Post by Erazor April 16th 2009, 1:22 am

    In 2007 Sonic Team released Sonic and the Secret Rings. It was a pretty decent game that showed off alot nice graphics and interesting gameplay twists. Overall, it was a fairly good spinoff for Sonic. The year is now 2009 and the same team that brought us Secret Rings has released Sonic and the Black Knight. The second in the now titled "Sonic Storybook Series".

    The idea is simple enough. Sonic is transported to the world of Arthurian legend and has to battle King Arthur himself. Yes, King Arthur is the villain. The story goes like this, after the King was given Excalibur by the Lady of the Lake (portrayed by Sonic's friend Amy) the power of the sword corrupted him and made him evil. After becoming evil he began to do generic evil things. Now it's up to Sonic to defeat the evil King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (also portrayed by Sonic's friends).

    The gameplay uses the same idea presented in Secret Rings. Sonic runs along a set path, much like a rail shooter, and proceeds from one end of the stage to another. However, Sonic no longer runs automatically and steering him left and right does not involve turning the Wii-mote. Instead, all of Sonic's movement involves use of the Wii-nunchuk attachment. This may sound pretty standard but Sonic is on a set path and can't be turned around. If they were going to use the joystick for movement then why not give players free movement? Instead we get an awkward mix of standard platform and arcade controls.

    The main twist on the Secret Rings gameplay is that the Wii-mote is now used to swing a sword. It's not exactly strange considering that Sonic is in the land of Arthurian legend. The sword works basically the same way as the swordplay in Zelda Twilight Princess. Swinging the Wii-mote causes Sonic to swing his sword. The sad thing is that this game's swordplay works just like the swordplay in Twilight Princess. Meaning, the Wii-mote swinging could easily be replaced by a button press, often boils down to nothing more than wrist waggling, and leads to many swings not being registered, slow reactions from the in-game character, and rage from the player.

    The stage design doesn't exactly compliment the swordplay either. Enemies will spawn right in front of you, either blocking your path or hitting you with a cheap shot. Remember, we're on a set path here. You can't exactly run around the enemies unless they're placed in a way that allows you to do so.

    The stage Dragon's Lair deserves special mention. Enemies impede your progress on platforms that disappear behind you (that are apparently dragons), leaving you no choice but to try and kill them as quickly as possible. But wait, it gets better. There are plenty of areas in this stage where shielded enemies spawn right on the edge of bottomless pits. You know what shielded enemies do when you get close right? They smack you back with their shields and advance. So, if you can't somehow get through their shields the moment they spawn, they'll continue pushing you back until you're backed up against the ledge.

    Setting aside that horrible nightmare of a stage, let's get to the graphics. For a Wii game, this looks great. Apart from the ugly citizens of camelot, the characters contain alot of detail and are very well animated. The environments are colorful and each stage has a vast detailed, background. And, as always, Sega has included amazing CG cutscenes in the beginning and end of the game.

    The music is also good for the most part. The music consists of catchy rock beats and epic orchestrated tunes and some combinations of the two. Unfortunatly, the entirely orchestrated music, while good, is easily interchangeable with the music in other fantasy games like Oblivion. While playing the Great Megalith stage I couldn't shake the feeling that an Imperial Gaurd was about to nab me and yell "Stop right there criminal scum!". On the other hand, the rock music is great. In some cases, the music was so good, I'd replay some of the worst stages just to hear it (see: Dragon's Lair). There are also some cool themes from previous Sonic games revived for the fans.

    There's also a multiplayer mode. The multiplayer options range from killing eachother as many times as possible within a time limit to killing randomly spawning enemies within a time limit. It controls basically the same way as the single player but with *gasp* free movement. If you know your way around the controls you'll do fine but the horrible, top-down camera can often lead to misjudging your attack range. Still, it's a nice distraction.

    The game is pretty short. Finishing the story only takes a day and completing it doesn't take half as long as most other 3D Sonic games. With all of it's issues it's hard to recommend paying 50$ for. The only people I could recommend this to are the most devoted Sonic fans (myself) and Wii owning hardcore gamers starving for something more complex than a mini-game collection.

    4.5/10 poor;review1


    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) VOZLn

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    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Empty Re: A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e)

    Post by Army April 16th 2009, 1:24 am

    I don't listen to reviews, why are they even called reviews? There just opinion no more important then yours or mine.

    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) VOZLn

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    Post by Zez April 16th 2009, 1:59 am

    Sonic The Armadillo wrote:....why are they even called reviews? There just opinion no more important then yours or mine.

    Because the reviewers are intended to be more neutral an non objective as opposed to anyone else. A Sonic hater as a reviewer would just bash everything about it, right? A Sonic fan would (usually... >_>) usually say good things about it, right? So we crave a third party opinion so there will be no bias. Fair and Balanced. Not like Fox News, though. (I watch it)

    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) VOZLn

    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Blackr10A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Medalw11A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Medalg10A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Zigzag10A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Medal13A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Rainbo10

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    Post by Army April 16th 2009, 2:00 am

    FOX IS ONLY GOOD FOR TEH SIMPSONS and other various T.V shows like Faimly guy.
    Fox is very biased though.

    Last edited by Sonic The Armadillo on April 16th 2009, 2:09 am; edited 1 time in total

    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Imagee10

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    Post by Erazor April 16th 2009, 2:03 am

    Keep in mind that I wrote this.

    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) VOZLn

    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Blackr10A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Medalw11A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Zigzag10A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Medal13

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    Post by Zez April 16th 2009, 2:03 am

    Sonic The Armadillo wrote:FOX IS ONLY GOOD FOR TEH SIMPSONS!

    Spam ^

    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Imagee10

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    Post by sykog April 16th 2009, 9:33 pm

    It's well written but I don't agree with a lot of your points.

    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Empty Re: A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e)

    Post by Guest April 18th 2009, 12:21 pm

    sykog77 wrote:It's well written but I don't agree with a lot of your points.

    Sykog77 don't be mean because he's better than you. You're soposed to bow.

    I know all :Twisted!:

    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Imagee10

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    Post by sykog April 19th 2009, 10:05 am

    CoolerThanYou68 wrote:
    sykog77 wrote:It's well written but I don't agree with a lot of your points.

    Sykog77 don't be mean because he's better than you. You're soposed to bow.

    I know all :Twisted!:
    I'M being mean? Laughing Laughing Laughing

    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Empty Re: A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e)

    Post by Guest April 19th 2009, 10:08 am

    sykog77 wrote:
    CoolerThanYou68 wrote:
    sykog77 wrote:It's well written but I don't agree with a lot of your points.

    Sykog77 don't be mean because he's better than you. You're soposed to bow.

    I know all :Twisted!:
    I'M being mean? Laughing Laughing Laughing

    Yeah!! why do you gotta be so mean to my brother?

    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Imagee10

    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Blackr10A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Medalw11A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Medalg10A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Zigzag10A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Medal13

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    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Empty Re: A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e)

    Post by sykog April 19th 2009, 10:11 am

    CoolerThanYou68 wrote:
    sykog77 wrote:
    CoolerThanYou68 wrote:
    sykog77 wrote:It's well written but I don't agree with a lot of your points.

    Sykog77 don't be mean because he's better than you. You're soposed to bow.

    I know all :Twisted!:
    I'M being mean? Laughing Laughing Laughing

    Yeah!! why do you gotta be so mean to my brother?
    I'm sorry... Tears Tears Confused

    A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e) Empty Re: A review. (ZOMG NO WAI!!!!! e_e)

    Post by Guest April 19th 2009, 10:20 am

    sykog77 wrote:
    CoolerThanYou68 wrote:
    sykog77 wrote:
    CoolerThanYou68 wrote:
    sykog77 wrote:It's well written but I don't agree with a lot of your points.

    Sykog77 don't be mean because he's better than you. You're soposed to bow.

    I know all :Twisted!:
    I'M being mean? Laughing Laughing Laughing

    Yeah!! why do you gotta be so mean to my brother?
    I'm sorry... Tears Tears Confused


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