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    The new Sonic rpg


    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 VOZLn

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shade April 13th 2010, 8:54 am

    Meanwhile, back at Ash's house, the captain was communicating with an unknown entity.

    "You must find it for me...", the unknown voice rasped.

    "Find what?", asked the captain.

    "You'll see...", said the voice.

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 VOZLn

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shadow122 April 13th 2010, 1:48 pm

    OOC: Eh. I'm confused on where I left off so for now i'm dropping out.

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shade April 13th 2010, 4:38 pm

    "Have you located your destination?", asked the voice.

    "No, I haven't located anything", said the captain, "I'm too busy".

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Hemlock April 13th 2010, 7:06 pm

    "*takes out binoculars* OMG! Eggman and his minions have spotted us. SOUND THE ALARM. *teleports out of the base into the field*
    Super Racer Z
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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Super Racer Z April 13th 2010, 8:32 pm

    *Meanwhile, in an unknown place full of mystical chambers, Super Racer has been walking down the arrow path for hours on end, searching for someone or some way to get out of here*

    "Hello, is there anyone out there?!" SR yells, waiting and listening for a response. "It seems hopeless. I've been walking for hours now with no sign of a close exit, and I can't find anyone else in this hellish place. Maybe I should just give u-" Super Racer pauses. "...What is that sound?" A slight rumbling can be heard. It continues, then starts to grow and become louder. Suddenly the sound becomes a horrible roar coming from the direction SR faces. The wall and a large rail attached to it start to shake violently. A large monorail vehicle appears around the closest corner, and SR dives to the shaking wall to get out of the train's sight.

    "What is that for?! It had to have been going over 150 miles per hour!" SR ponders as the deafening roar dies back down into a low rumble and then into the familiar ambient hum of the chambers around him. "Well, it means that I still have a long way to go, but at the same time in means I'm making ground. Still, I wish I knew what that vehicle was, and what it was doing out here." Racer takes a few more seconds to think, then turns back towards the arrows and continues to walk.

    *One hour later*

    SR is still walking, trying to find something, when he hears a sneeze right around the corner. "...Hello? Hello?! Is someone there?!"

    "Yes, who is this," The mysterious person asks, "and where are you?"

    "I'm around the corner! I'll be right there!" SR runs around the corner to the voice. "so, what are you doing here?"

    "I'm trying to find a way to get out of here. I've been wandering this place for what feels like at least one day. I thought I was the only one walking around here, until you found me. I'm Links the Lynx, by the way."

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 GOMM8

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by T@ilz April 13th 2010, 10:50 pm

    (thanks for introducing my character for me racer 👏 )

    "And I see you face the same problem as me, right?" continued Links.
    Super Racer Z
    Super Racer Z

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Super Racer Z April 14th 2010, 12:02 am

    "I don't know, you tell me." Super Racer replied. "Did you come from one of these pods as well? Are you trying to find an exit out of this place? If so, it seems way indeed are facing the same dilemma."

    "Right you are, uh..." Links pauses.

    "Oh, that's right!" Super Racer replied. "I never introduced myself, Links. My name is Super Racer, but you can call me SR."

    "So, I guess we better keep going. At least we aren't alone anymore, right SR?"

    "Yes, wandering along this path alone was becoming mind numbing." He replied. "Hey, Links. Did you see that strange vehicle?"

    "Yeah, that thing come out of nowhere. What do you think it's doing?" Links asked.

    "Maybe it's searching for chambers that have opened, or is transporting supplies. Either way, I don't think we want whatever it is or whoever is in it to see us."

    "I'd agree." Links responded. "Anyways, lets go."

    *SR and Links continued down the path for another half hour When suddenly...*

    Brurp! Brurp! Brurp! The lighting in the corridor changed an eerie red, and a loud siren started going off!

    "What is that?!" SR barked.

    "I don't know, but I'm not quite sure we want to find out personally! Let's hurry!"

    *Both Links and SR started running along the path*

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 GOMM8

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by T@ilz April 14th 2010, 12:09 am

    May I please do my own character please?
    Super Racer Z
    Super Racer Z

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Super Racer Z April 14th 2010, 1:18 am

    T@ilz wrote:May I please do my own character please?

    Yes, I was making him follow along with my character's dialog in small ways that don't try to decide his personality or seem crazy, and then from there you decide where the story goes, decide the main things your character does, and make my character do things if the way he'd need to respond is at least somewhat expected. If what your character did depended largely on his traits, personality, or was a large event, I would stop and let you decide what to do. Without making the characters do slight things, I have to write extremely little, and then wait. If you want, I can edit my post back to the first paragraph:

    Super Racer Z's first paragraph of post wrote:"I don't know, you tell me." Super Racer replied. "Did you come from one of these pods as well? Are you trying to find an exit out of this place? If so, it seems way indeed are facing the same dilemma."

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 VOZLn

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shade April 14th 2010, 2:21 am

    "Make sure you locate it, then", the voice hissed.

    Soon after, the captain fell asleep, and when he awoke, it was the bright light of morning. He stretched a little and went to brush his teeth.

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 GOMM8

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by T@ilz April 14th 2010, 1:36 pm

    Super Racer Z wrote:
    T@ilz wrote:May I please do my own character please?

    Yes, I was making him follow along with my character's dialog in small ways that don't try to decide his personality or seem crazy, and then from there you decide where the story goes, decide the main things your character does, and make my character do things if the way he'd need to respond is at least somewhat expected. If what your character did depended largely on his traits, personality, or was a large event, I would stop and let you decide what to do. Without making the characters do slight things, I have to write extremely little, and then wait. If you want, I can edit my post back to the first paragraph:

    Super Racer Z's first paragraph of post wrote:"I don't know, you tell me." Super Racer replied. "Did you come from one of these pods as well? Are you trying to find an exit out of this place? If so, it seems way indeed are facing the same dilemma."

    Okay. But ytou don't need to edit the post.
    Twixie Hushimo
    Twixie Hushimo

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Twixie Hushimo April 14th 2010, 4:20 pm

    Ash woke up and walked out. "What's going on? Why is everyone in my house?"

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 VOZLn

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shade April 14th 2010, 4:39 pm

    "What do you mean?", asked the captain, "Who else is in your house, Ash?"

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 VOZLn

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by TheShadowWalker April 14th 2010, 5:20 pm

    [Just to let you know, Mly: It's Walker, not Otto.]
    "Well, I a--"
    Walker was interupted by another black portal.
    "Oh, God, not again!"
    A black hand outstreched and, once again, hit the Captain, and grabbed walker.
    "Ash! I forgot to tell you! It's Cha--"
    He disappeared with the hand in the portal.
    Otto was still on the couch, fast asleep.

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 VOZLn

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    Post by Shade April 14th 2010, 5:23 pm

    "Not him again!", groaned the captain, "This guy's hit me twice in the face! And he kidnapped Otto".

    "Come on, Ash.", said the captain, "Let's go and recover Otto".

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 VOZLn

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    Post by TheShadowWalker April 14th 2010, 5:27 pm

    Otto was woken up by the sound of his name.
    "Wha-- Eh, who? Where?"
    He looked around.
    "I'm still here... just tired."
    He yawned.

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 VOZLn

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shade April 14th 2010, 5:32 pm

    "Where are you, Otto?", asked the captain.

    The captain quickly found Otto and helped him to his feet.

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 VOZLn

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by TheShadowWalker April 14th 2010, 5:41 pm

    Oto slumped. "Where are we going?"

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 VOZLn

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shade April 14th 2010, 5:42 pm

    "We're going back to Ash's house", said the captain, "You need your sleep, Otto. That was quite the ordeal you went through earlier."

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 VOZLn

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    Post by TheShadowWalker April 14th 2010, 5:47 pm

    "But... I am at Ash's house... Aren't I?"
    He looked around. He was at Mly's base.
    "How the hell did you get the couch here without me even noticing?"

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 VOZLn

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    Post by Shade April 14th 2010, 5:49 pm

    "We're in Mly's base?", said the captain incredulously, "Glad I have the locket, should I ever need to contact Ash".

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 VOZLn

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by TheShadowWalker April 14th 2010, 6:19 pm

    "That still never answered my question," Otto said, stupidly.

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Guest April 14th 2010, 7:30 pm

    Mly waved his arms about and yelled. "Hello!? I'm the guy whose base you just invaded!? For the love of Zod, at least tell me how you found me so fast!"

    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 VOZLn

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    Post by TheShadowWalker April 14th 2010, 8:44 pm

    A pocket locator was on the floor near the Captain's feet. Otto recognized it, felt invaded, picked it up, and said nothing more.
    Oh, God, he thought, I hope I didn't leave it on hedgehog setting...
    Twixie Hushimo
    Twixie Hushimo

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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 22 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Twixie Hushimo April 14th 2010, 9:35 pm

    Ash ran out the door, holding her swords on her back.

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