The ancient lands.

RedFire Mario
DarkHero Sonic
Twixie Hushimo
Antony the Bat
Super Racer Z
Shadow Dude 64
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    The new Sonic rpg


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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 4 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shadow122 December 9th 2009, 4:21 pm

    If this is still going i'll join with my FC Shadow122.
    Shadow Dude 64
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    Post by Shadow Dude 64 December 10th 2009, 6:05 pm

    Ya more pplz the more the better!
    Shadow Dude 64
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    The new Sonic rpg - Page 4 Empty Re: The new Sonic rpg

    Post by Shadow Dude 64 December 19th 2009, 6:54 am

    Ok if this is still n lets countinue.

    "Well its off to Le Louvre then Racer" Bloodshot replied
    Twixie Hushimo
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    Post by Twixie Hushimo December 30th 2009, 8:24 pm

    I'm in! Sorry to make a huge post the first time, but my characters
    MUST have worthy intros.

    Ash groaned as her brother led her through another wing of the museum.
    "It has to be here somewhere," he said thoughtfully, putting a finger up to his lips.
    "I can't believe you dragged me here," Ash groaned. "I can't even benefit from wasting this time!"
    "Shut up," her brother said, examining the surrounding artifacts. "Even if you don't want to look for the stupid ring, you're missing out on a great museum. Look at this. This is what the Inuit used to use for--"
    "Get on with it!" Ash yelled. Storming down the hall. She looked around for the power ring, one last time, then ran in the opposite direction. Within milliseconds, her brother was standing in front of her.
    "Where are you going?" he snapped.
    She pushed past him easily, and flew down the hall with amazing grace for the speed she was running at.
    Almost at the door, she thought, staring ahead. She stopped running, so that no one called the cops on her, and walked out the door. She located their car, on the other side of the street, and planned to leave her brother with the job of calling a taxi.
    She checked to see that there were no cars coming, and walked across the street. Out of nowhere, a speeding sports car came swerving out of nowhere.
    Ash couldn't go left, or right, so she went up. After she jumped, she landed on the top of the car. She threw her throwing star into the back right tire, and the car halted.

    Bloodshot and Super Racer stared at the girl, horrified. There was nothing they could do. They closed their eyes and braced for them to run her over, but when they opened their eyes again she'd dissapeared.
    "DId we hit her?" Bloodshot asked.
    "I don't know," Super Racer breathed, "let's go back and check."
    He looked in the rear view mirror, and there was no sign of the girl.
    "If she's okay," Bloodshot said through gritted teeth, "let's go. We don't have time. Anyway, there may be more than two teams in the competition for these rings. I don't know."
    They picked up speed, and prepared to turn into the museum parking garage when suddenly one of their tires blew out.
    "What was that?" Super Racer yelled. "Damn, I don't have a spare. I already wrecked the last one. This is going to be expensive."
    Suddenly, Bloodshot's door blew open and the girl they thought they just murdered stood in front of them.
    "Where are you guys going?" she asked.
    "Look, girl, we don't have time for this," Bloodshot replied, reaching to slam the door.
    She caught his arm just as it was about to touch the handle, and something in the back of Bloodshot's brain told him that she wasn't normal.
    Shut up, he told it.
    "Yes, you do," she hissed, waiting impaiently for a reply.
    "We're looking for something," Super Racer snarled, realizing she had probably burst his back tire.
    "What would that be?" she asked.
    "A ring," Bloodshot admitted.
    "Well then, if you're looking for a ring, you've got some hell inside there waiting for you."
    Bloodshot and Super Racer frowned, and cursed. The enemy had beat them to their task.
    "Go away now," Bloodshot commanded.
    "Well, you're not getting anywhere that way," she said, jerking her head to indicate their flat.
    "What do you suppose we do?" Super Racer asked.
    She sighed. "You can borrow my spare; they look about the same size. But you owe me. A lot."
    "Fine, then. Maybe, just maybe, if you help us get the ring, "Bloodshot said, trying to come up with a good bargain, "we'll let you come with us. And we'll each have one ring."
    "Don't get those things near me!" she yelled, and suddenly dissapeared.
    "Where'd she go?" Super Racer asked, scanning the road.
    When they turned back around, she was waiting impaciently, holding her spare tire.
    "Thanks," Super Racer said, climbing out to install the tire. "Oh...I don't have a jack."
    "I'll do it," Ash sighed, studying the car.
    "Are you crazy?" Super Racer asked, judging her sanity. "This car weighs almost a ton!"
    Ash closed her eyes, and the car began to rise.
    "You don't tell anyone," she hissed, "or I drop the car."
    Bloodshot looked out to see why he had a weird feeling. Realizing he had gained two feet in distance from the ground, he stared at the strange girl in horror.
    Shadow Dude 64
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    Post by Shadow Dude 64 December 31st 2009, 7:55 am

    "How are you doing this?!" bloodshot said in surprise "Hmm... Sorry for asking this but would you help us? We will need all the help we can get for when we face off against Darkrah."
    Twixie Hushimo
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    Post by Twixie Hushimo December 31st 2009, 12:56 pm

    OKAY, since I'm working on RPGing since this is the first one I've taken the time to play a part of, please pardon me if I do stuff like decide what your character is going to say, or do. It is mainly because I still have an important thought to get across, and I think I know your character well enough to do that.

    "Hm...? Who's Darkrah?" Ash asked. Super Racer scrambled out from under the car, afraid the girl might drop it.
    "He's…a guy that's…evil."
    "Get back under there," Ash instructed Super Racer, leaning against the hovering car. Turning to Bloodshot, she continued. "So you want me to help? Well, you get the ring, and I'll join you."
    "Great," Super Racer murmured, "a girl's gonna slow us down, Bloodshot."
    "My name's Ashley, by the way. And I'll join you under one condition: I drive."

    BTW, Ashley's first name is pronounced Ashlay, but spelled the same. She doesn't care if you call her Ashley or Ash, but she doesn't like it if she introduces herself as Ashley and automatically, people call her Ash. She may seem strange now, but don't worry; she'll warm up soon.
    Shadow Dude 64
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    Post by Shadow Dude 64 December 31st 2009, 2:35 pm

    "Ok thanks a bunch and I don't think racer is fond of sharing his car..." Bloodshot mumbeled
    Twixie Hushimo
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    Post by Twixie Hushimo December 31st 2009, 2:42 pm

    "FIne then, I won't get in the car," Ash hissed, sliding out of the back seat and disappearing again.
    Shadow Dude 64
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    Post by Shadow Dude 64 December 31st 2009, 3:27 pm

    "I don't have time for this lets go racer..." bloodshot said as they sped off
    Twixie Hushimo
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    Post by Twixie Hushimo December 31st 2009, 3:33 pm

    "I wonder where that girl goes," Super Racer whispered, speeding into the museum parking garage.

    Meanwhile, Ash had teleported to where she last saw her brother. She called for him, and finally found him at the end of the hall warding off security guards as he tried to sneak out with the ring.
    "C'mon," she whispered, blasting a couple of guards as she pulled her brother down the hall away from Bloodshot and Super Racer. "There are people coming that are after the ring."
    "What?" he said, taking off. Ash watched him speed up and take off, and she summoned her hover board, started running, and jumped on.
    Shadow Dude 64
    Shadow Dude 64

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    Post by Shadow Dude 64 December 31st 2009, 3:58 pm

    Bloodshot sped away from the car and saw the ring in sight "This will be easy..." He whispered
    Twixie Hushimo
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    Post by Twixie Hushimo December 31st 2009, 4:20 pm

    Ash's brother held the ring tightly, knowing there was someone behind him. He jumped into his car, and took off without Ash.
    "Wait!" she screamed, but he was already gone. "Damnit," she said, "I don't have any money."
    "Who was that? He took the ring! Does he work for Darkrah?" Bloodshot asked, looking for the car.
    "No," Ash replied, pulling out her phone. "That's my brother, Sonic the Hedgehog."
    Shadow Dude 64
    Shadow Dude 64

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    Post by Shadow Dude 64 December 31st 2009, 4:32 pm

    "Grh he won't get far!" Bloodshot ran up and kicked Sonic over the back of the head and used his chaos spear and blew Sonic into the middle of the fields
    Twixie Hushimo
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    Post by Twixie Hushimo December 31st 2009, 4:55 pm

    Erm...Sonic was already in the car.

    "Look, why do you want the ring so badly?" Ash asked Bloodshot, holding him back with one hand which Bloodshot found very disturbing. "Only my brother can use it."
    "I can use it, too!" Bloodshot protested.
    "I can get you something better," she said, "I can get you al the chaos emeralds you want."
    Shadow Dude 64
    Shadow Dude 64

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    Post by Shadow Dude 64 December 31st 2009, 4:57 pm

    "I don't care what you can do! Just give me the ring I can find the chaos emeralds on my own!" Bloodshot snapped
    Twixie Hushimo
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    Post by Twixie Hushimo December 31st 2009, 5:30 pm

    Ash punched him in the side of the head. Bloodshot shook it off, and reached to knock her unconcious. However, by the time he had made a fist, she was on the other side of him. She blasted him into the front of a building, and people all around ran in horror or watched the street fight in awe.
    "I'm not going to let you hurt my brother," she growled.
    "Just give me the damn ring!" he yelled, advancing on her.
    He began to charge at her, when she jumped and held on to...the side of a building. As nimbly as a spider, she held on to the bare side of the skyscraper, and jumped off, landing nearly on Bloodshot.
    "I don't have it!" she hissed.
    Shadow Dude 64
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    Post by Shadow Dude 64 January 1st 2010, 9:05 am

    Ash I would prefer if I could talk with my own character and you didn't k?

    "Then who has it!?!!?" He shouted "One minute you say you have the next you don't!"
    Twixie Hushimo
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    Post by Twixie Hushimo January 1st 2010, 11:18 am

    Sorry. Like I said, I'm working on RPGing. This is the first one I've ever really done, since I mainly write fanfics.

    "My brother does!" she yelled. "Why in the world would I have it?"
    Shadow Dude 64
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    Post by Shadow Dude 64 January 1st 2010, 4:36 pm

    "Hu..." bloodshot sighed as he walked off
    Twixie Hushimo
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    Post by Twixie Hushimo January 1st 2010, 5:33 pm

    "Maybe I should have just gone to my car," Ash muttered as she hailed a taxi.
    She stepped in, and told them the adress of her house.
    "Ahh..." said a voice from the front. "Right."
    She worried for a moment that they guy was a drunk driver, but he began to drive away.
    After a while, Ash got nervous. Was he taking an alternate route? She didn't recognize this area, and they should've arrived by now.
    The driver pulled over, and held the door open from her. From underneath his sunglasses, she could see his eyes were red. Not very strange, though.
    Suddenly, he grabbed her and began to lead her to a three story building she could see in the distance. She screamed and tried to struggle, but she heard a hiss, felt a pressure on her arm, and she tried to hold onto conciousness as the world slipped away.
    Shadow Dude 64
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    Post by Shadow Dude 64 January 2nd 2010, 9:57 am

    Bloodshot set at the cliff looking at a picture of his family and said "Why did you have to take them....?"Just then Bloodshot heared a echo. It sound like a scream so he sped off in that direction "Now whats going on" He mumbeld
    Twixie Hushimo
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    Post by Twixie Hushimo January 2nd 2010, 1:27 pm

    Ash woke up on a cold, stone floor. She sat bolt upright, and looked around. "Hello?" she called, but there was no answer. She kind of liked it. Within seconds, she began looking around what she guessed was a cell. It was kind of clean, with a chair and a slab that made up for a bed.
    "Oh, I won't be here that long," she muttered, a crooked smile spreading across her face. She walked up to the door, and tried to wiggle the doorknob. Nothing; it was locked. She sat down on the slab, and pulled off her left shoe....
    Shadow Dude 64
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    Post by Shadow Dude 64 January 2nd 2010, 1:39 pm

    Bloodshot had followed where he thought he had heared the scream come from and old abandonded Prison. "Wonder whats going on?" He said to himself
    Twixie Hushimo
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    Post by Twixie Hushimo January 2nd 2010, 1:48 pm

    Ash started tugging at the top of her shoe's sole. Anyone watching would think she was trying to rip them apart, but finally a little bit of the rubber peeled apart and she was able to grab the zippers from inside. She took the zippers, and pulled them down until her sole was almost fully disconnected from her shoe. It revealed a pad of rubber, and inside it were dozens of keys and lock picking tools.
    "Wait till they see this," she muttered. She checked the room for security cameras, which she found none, and continued.
    Right before she started hacking, she put her ear up against the door. She listened for any people, but she heard none.
    That's strange, she thought. This place must be fully automated.
    She started picking at the lock with one of her keys, and finally the door swung open. She checked the hall for any guards or robots, but found the corridor was deserted. She pulled the door closed behind her, and relocked it, and dashed down the hallways. She listened for more movement, but there was none.
    Ash gasped as she realized what happened. "They were going to leave me here...abandon me...."
    She thanked her lucky stars that she had made it out, and continued to run until she came to a stop in front of one security guard, slumped against the wall, asleep.
    She attempted to turn around silently, but his eyes fluttered open and he frantically reached for his gun. He almost grabbed it, but then his hands flew to the other side of his belt and he pulled out a taser. "They didn't want me hurting you," he said, and pointed it at her face.
    "Oh crap," Ash sighed, as she got ready.
    Shadow Dude 64
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    Post by Shadow Dude 64 January 2nd 2010, 2:57 pm

    "Uff"The gaurd fell to the ground dizzed and bloodshot turned to Ash and said "You ok?"

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