The ancient lands.

The Freedom Fighter
Nnoitra Hushimo
Twixie Hushimo
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    Tescia Chronicles*

    Adeio Vasilia
    Adeio Vasilia

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    Tescia Chronicles* Empty Tescia Chronicles*

    Post by Zezima August 13th 2012, 6:35 pm

    The history of Tescia as a graphic novel. As a comic book. As a bible. As a cartoon. As a movie. As seen on TV. This is where we all piece together TSC's history bit by bit and help recreate it in a dramatic fashion. So, dumping what little assets we have so far;

    Character concepts:


    Prologue draft:


    At this point I consider those designs a bit outdated as well, so...


    Whatever concepts you can come up with, we work with and discuss them here.

    A little fun terminology/vocabulary to help maintain the illusion of a fantasy world:

    SoA = Ezoa
    TSC = Tescia
    Quable = Quai'bl

    Character development:

    Guess you had to be a super oldbie to remember Nudjo and Tizo. Very well. I was mulling over character designs in my head for CTY and LSB, based on their forum behavior, and at first I thought to make LSB a Venom-like build, just for massive brute onslaught and strength, then I realized he later returned in a more subtle nature and displayed intelligence. CTY was more of the brute. So I guess I can depict LSB as a shape-shifting Carnage-like creature.

    CTY = Si Teawai.

    LightSpeedbLast = Ellez Bi.

    icetech = Aiaz T'egh.

    Nudjo D-Fang = Nudjo Dephang, because it's good enough anyway. Codename #52.

    Tizo = Tizo, codename #01.

    Cy-Fox = Sai Faux, double agent for Neuno, head of the Blast Corporation.

    Plix = Plix, because Plix is a ridiculous name already. Special Operatives coordinator for the Tescian military.

    Miles24 = Miles Vingt, once loyal high-commanding officer of the Tescian capital, now gone awol and is under warrant for arrest.

    The Freedom Fighter = Lan Prower Kopaka, unwavering Tescian patriot, and vice-president. Powerful warrior and advisor.

    sykog = Cicho Jinez, was caught as a prisoner of war for a period, but once released returned to become an agile and formidable ally.

    Schnickelfritz = Chni' Kullfretz, a survivor from the great Ezoan fallout and a Tescian refugee, he quickly became a Tescian patriot and fights as a part of the street militia.

    NeoMetalSonic = Neyo, no other known name on file. Former high-profile criminal in many districts across Ezoa and beyond, he fled to Tescia and found that even a hardened bandit such as himself was welcomed. To return the favor, he's fought for those who saw past his flaws as penance.

    Pianta = Pae Yanta, Lan's favorite apprentice, she's been favored wherever he presence is known, and is a mercenary for all major elements of the Saunig Wars. Notable allies are Tescia, Ezoa, and Blast Corporation.

    Erazor = Erazor Faituwon. Once working under outlaws Mly and Yiobon, he eventually turned a leaf and began to work for Tescia for a time. He then allowed his emotions to become his downfall and committed suicide due to internal ethical conflicts.

    Jmh = Jimaych. Lan's most adept apprentice, he's trained diligently and purposefully for the sole purpose of justice. He is incorruptible and unwavering. His only known associations are his masters, the three

    karkooshy = Karuski. Sole overlord of neighboring district, Quai'bl, he began to lose power after the great Saunig Wars ravaged the countryside. After seeing his options running out, he sought to aid Tescia for their favor and resources. He has since abandoned Quai'bl and is now a valued advisor alongside Lan.

    Nuva = Nuva Fai-Huntrit. A wanderer, once sought Ezoa and tried to reason with them to better apply their resources and manpower, but was shunned for his sensibility in the usage of logic. Zezima noticed Nuva and offered him a haven at Tescia. Nuva has now vowed to guard its walls against those who shunned him.

    Sushimo = Siu Eshimo. A distant relative of the Hushimo clan, Siu hailed from Karuski's empire in Quai'bl. Karuski's most loyal and strongest subject, he noticed Karuski's intent to aid Tescia, and has since begun to serve Zezima as well, albeit, below Karuski.

    XNinjaRed = X. Fighting for no one except Pae Yanta and Lan, he keeps to himself as an inconspicuous ninjutsu warrior. He was once highly regarded in the Tescian village, but challenged Zezima's rule, and as such many violent encounters ensued. After unwilling to fight once more, he left the Tescian village on a journey of redemption, and to serve the whims of Pae and Lan.

    Auflodern = Klaas. Chaotic neutral mercenary. He serves absolutely no one except himself, and heeds no law or order, only destruction and entropy. He has no goals, no direction, no pattern, no method. He kills without question, and for no question. One of Miles Vingt's few apprentices for a brief period, he helped Tescia only as he saw fit, and clashed with everyone around him, including Miles Vingt himself. He's a high-profile citizen, but sneakily treads the fine line of civility and misdeeds.

    Super Racer Z = Zupehr Raihzer. Approached by Zezima personally during the halcyon Ezoan era, he's one of the few Tescian military officers to never abandon post, even if the post has eventually abandoned him. His logic is usurped by none, and is infallible to all. His only known allegiance is to Zezima, and only at that because he represents the Tescian empire he protects.

    Still working on the rest.

    84 = Ayti Phor

    FourCartridge = Evcie

    Shadow122 = Chadeaux Wan-Twantitu

    TSW = Tiyez Dubbayiu

    SD64 = Ezdie Zixti-Phor

    CC3 = Sie-Sie Thri

    Army = Aurmai

    SonicFanPS2 = Saunig van Piestu

    Chapter 1: Light

    Setting: boards2.sega, 2007, phpBB2.

    Everyone is peacefully frolicking through the meadows of the Ezoan villages, when we pan to see the 3 Segoku officers watching over it.

    RubyEclipse: "Have the preparations been made ...?"

    Clumsyorchid: "Yes, we're ready when you are."

    RubyEclipse: "Cochrane ... I'll give you the honor of breaking the news to them. Do it as you see fit."

    Cochrane: "Yes, m'lord."

    RubyEclipse: "Clumsy... level 11 evacuation. Now."

    Clumsyorchid: "What? We can't do that, that would mean sa--"

    RubyEclipse: "I said ... now."

    We cut to the village, where we see the jovial inhabitants enjoying each other's company, when Cochrane appears, heavy-handed as ever.

    Cochrane: "I bring news from Segoku headquarters."

    Lan: "About time. What's going to happen to Ezoa?"

    Cochrane: "Ezoa is none of your concern anymore. We've taken care of everything. I just wanted you to know, there will be changes soon."

    Lan: "Changes? What kind of changes?"

    Suddenly, Cochrane shifts his eyes a bit to the right, as he presses his finger into his ear, as if concentrating on a barely audible frequency. He then turns and walks away, ignoring the inquisitive citizens he was delegated to protect.

    Clumsyorchid: "Has Cochrane been alerted?"

    RubyEclipse: "Yes... *a pause* you will now witness the birth of a new age, Clumsy. One where rebellion is all but extinguished. *chuckles quietly to himself* And all with the push... of a button."

    Camera pans downward as we see Ruby holding what appears to be a switch with a blank face on it. Ruby glances down at it, flips open a hatch, and we notice but one button. Ruby gives one quick glance at Clumsy before he calmly, almost in an obsessively-controlled manner, pushes a steady thumb onto the button.

    We now go to the deep wilderness of Ezoa. The trees begin to sway. The ground quakes. The animals grow violent in their terror. The villagers are roused from their sleep. They feel a disturbance, but can't hope to trace its origin.

    The bravest venture forth, opposing it as if it were something of a physical nature, to be tackled like any other wandering troll. But they soon came to a depressing realization. There was light everywhere. They could see clearly. They checked once more. It was indeed midnight. The light was not of a warming or welcoming one, it was of unnatural upheaval.

    The light came from a great pillar of fire, one so great that it usurped all other manner of life before it. And they could do nothing to stop it. They couldn't combat it, couldn't outrun it, couldn't reason with it. It was change. Inevitable, unmoving, uncompromising change. The fire drew ever nearer, as they saw the land they once so loved set ablaze.

    The marked look of utter appall and disgust flooded each and every one's faces as they gazed on in awe. Not in awe of its power, nor its brilliance. But in awe of its destruction. In all that it consumed, it consumed the lives and memories of many that came before it, yet it continued at an ever accelerating pace, unsympathetic, uncaring. All it hungered for was more. More of what was of no concern, all it need was more. More anguish, more despair, more connections once strengthened over time to be ripped apart with one swift force.

    As the fire came for them and was nearing their humble village, they knew their fate. They knew now what Cochrane's purpose was, and immediately put the pieces together. There was no escape. Only death. They quietly kneeled in acceptance of that which could not be altered, and perished in as honorable manner as could be managed.

    This, however, was not the end. Merely the beginning of what its ashes brought. For not all died. And for some it even propogated new life. But for a while, many lingered in blank purgatory. Utter nothingness. Time was of no element. No measures were of use here. There was nothing to compare anything to. Nothing existed. Existence itself ceased. For a time. The length of which has never been determined, but life did and always has found a way.

    After what seemed as though multiple eternities stirred, finally, light began to shine once more. Not of the same horrific light that had torn asunder all their cognizance was capable of holding, no, this light ... was different. We could now begin to see ourselves, and eventually, for a time, others.

    But these ... others were not human. They could not be called such a noble name. That's too dignified of a term. Humans have faces, humans have feelings. Humans can think, choose for themselves, humans know the difference between right and wrong. These ... monsters were nothing what Ezoa used to harbor. No, instead, those who survived the divine light were either severely wounded ... or subhuman.

    But not all of this was known immediately. Those who survived with their souls intact brushed themselves off, had figured that Ezoa was the same place, just rebuilt, renewed. They ventured forth to rebuild what little remained of their past lives, grasping at whatever was in reach to pretend it was the same. The pile of ashes that once represented their home, softly sliding in between the cracks of their fingers. But they were not to be dismayed. They had determination, strength, and tenacity. They could adapt. They knew they could. They had no choice. So they did what was only ... human. They communicated.

    Surely these creatures are equal to us humans, they only differ between us in due appearance. One musn't judge so harshly or readily. I'm sure if given time and patience, their true potential will show through as proper civilized beings. After all, we're able to teach them everything they need to know in how to be like us, why wouldn't they understand? Some took their steps with force, out of anger, out of resentment and quiet suffering of what had been done to them. Others ... they took their steps hesitantly, unwilling to accept the new land and its features. However the method they chose, they all eventually took a step. One way or another.

    Their leader went first.

    Lan: "Heya there, little guy, what's your name?"

    Xxxxxx_xxQuiiiiIiIi_IcKCkcKk-sCoic_IOippEZzzzzzX_X_xxx: "wuts it 2 you?!1?"

    Lan: "I, uh ... just wanted to learn your name. You seemed new, that's all. I like to welcome all newcomers. It's part of my consigned responsibilities here. Where'd you come from, anyway?"

    Xxxxxx_xxQuiiiiIiIi_IcKCkcKk-sCoic_IOippEZzzzzzX_X_xxx: "lol its kewl. i come from xD"

    Lan: "Uh, Bungie? You mean the guys who fight each other based on their color of their armor?"

    Xxxxxx_xxQuiiiiIiIi_IcKCkcKk-sCoic_IOippEZzzzzzX_X_xxx: "well duh how else r u gonna no who to shoot dumbass. god what a retard"

    Lan: "Hey, that's not very nice. I know Cochrane wouldn't tolerate such behavior, and I know I won't either. This is a community with standards, I'll have you know."

    Xxxxxx_xxQuiiiiIiIi_IcKCkcKk-sCoic_IOippEZzzzzzX_X_xxx: "lol whateverdude cochranes the one who invited me anyway. its a dump so i dont care. have fun with your little sonic dolls."

    Lan watched in still anger as the socially crippled, awkward looking creature hobbled off deeper into the woods, beyond sight. Lan stayed his emotions as a good leader would. He then took the initiative as the leader he was elected to be, and did what he thought should be done. And he was right. How soon would he find how few others agreed with his leadership style. He did what was once a common courtesy ... he attempted to handle the situation ... maturely.

    He turned around to look at his band of survivors, the few that could still hold the dignity of the title "Human," without the curse or scars of those flooding the immediately surrounding vicinities. He knew what he had to be done. He had to protect them and prevent them from further wounds and possible infections. Whatever was causing these mutations was something much more resilient than the intial blast. He intended to find out what.

    He explained to the few remaining healthy inhabitants that there was a new population that was to take control of Ezoa, and it has been approved from the very beginning by Segoku officials. He also explained that the Segoku headquarters had been placed intentionally in front of the detonation site so it would be destroyed and leave no tracable hints of the wherabouts of their current one. They planned ahead. They knew some would survive. In fact, they counted on it. They needed some subjects to test the effects on ... some toys. Somewhere along the unattainably distant horizon, they watched. Observed. Knowing they were under control without ever knowing how or where, and being the ever more powerless because of it.

    But there was something else residing beyond that unreachable line dividing the land and sky. There was something there, not exactly known for certain ... but it was understood. It couldn't be explained, it couldn't be described, but there was an unspoken agreement that it simply was. Some relegated to calling it "hope," others called it fantasy, and still others called it blind faith. But to a few, a very few indeed ... some called it salvation.

    They knew they couldn't have been destined to roil in torment of the Ezoan wastelands forever, they couldn't be slowly consumed by the gall creatures that knew nothing beyond their basest of instincts. They just knew somehow no sane or feeling human could stand idly by and watch this undeserved chaos and rampant decay go on unperturbed. They knew something had to be done.

    But who were they? They were no one. They had no power, no say, no control, not even a home or family to call their own. No. Not anymore they didn't. Segoku saw to that. Those were but mere luxuries. Maybe Segoku was really just a heaven-sent angel on a mission to show its pathetic denizens how appreciative and grateful they should've been for what they had been given so gratuitously before. Maybe. Just maybe.

    Last edited by Zezima on July 24th 2014, 7:29 pm; edited 6 times in total

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    Tescia Chronicles* Empty Re: Tescia Chronicles*

    Post by Schnickelfritz August 13th 2012, 6:43 pm

    I approve very much. This will be much fun. And I can draw anything you need me to, I consider myself a relatively decent artist.

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    Tescia Chronicles* Empty Re: Tescia Chronicles*

    Post by Nuva August 13th 2012, 7:09 pm

    I look forward to where this goes.

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    Tescia Chronicles* Empty Re: Tescia Chronicles*

    Post by Auflodern August 13th 2012, 7:12 pm

    my bio:
    Tescia Chronicles* 1335533707076

    Twixie Hushimo
    Twixie Hushimo

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    Post by Twixie Hushimo August 13th 2012, 11:17 pm

    Because god forbid I should be in a story.

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    Post by Schnickelfritz August 13th 2012, 11:25 pm

    Because God forbid you should bother to drop a post every six months or so.

    Tescia Chronicles* Empty Re: Tescia Chronicles*

    Post by Guest August 14th 2012, 2:53 am

    Man, all my bio says is that I'm a servant of Zez and Karkooshy. No awesomeness. I am not amused. /is amused.

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    Post by Schnickelfritz August 14th 2012, 11:58 pm

    Here's my Neo concept, Zezzerkins. Tescia Chronicles* Scannedimage1

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    Post by Schnickelfritz August 16th 2012, 10:16 pm

    Bump because my drawing.

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    Tescia Chronicles* Empty Re: Tescia Chronicles*

    Post by Erazor August 18th 2012, 11:52 pm

    Haha, I can't say I disapprove of my description. I'm not much for artwork, but I've recently been dabbling in sketch drawings again. If I can muster something worthwhile I'll put it up.

    I'll specifically see about CTY68. He was my brother after all.
    Adeio Vasilia
    Adeio Vasilia

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    Tescia Chronicles* Empty Re: Tescia Chronicles*

    Post by Zezima August 19th 2012, 9:12 pm

    Erazor wrote:I'll specifically see about CTY68. He was my brother after all.


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    Tescia Chronicles* Empty Re: Tescia Chronicles*

    Post by sykog August 19th 2012, 9:14 pm

    Zezima wrote:
    Erazor wrote:I'll specifically see about CTY68. He was my brother after all.

    I guess he's been disowned?

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    Tescia Chronicles* Empty Re: Tescia Chronicles*

    Post by NeoMetalSonic August 19th 2012, 9:39 pm

    sykog wrote:
    Zezima wrote:

    I guess he's been disowned?
    No surprise there.

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    Post by Erazor August 19th 2012, 10:05 pm

    Was in the sense that, unlike me, he doesn't maintain even the slightest internet presence.

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    Tescia Chronicles* Empty Re: Tescia Chronicles*

    Post by Nuva August 21st 2012, 7:39 am

    NeoMetalSonic wrote:
    sykog wrote:
    I guess he's been disowned?
    No surprise there.
    obligatory 'he was adopted' Avengers reference

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    Post by Schnickelfritz August 21st 2012, 10:27 am

    Nuva wrote:
    NeoMetalSonic wrote:No surprise there.
    obligatory 'he was adopted' Avengers reference
    Who saw that coming?

    I did.

    I saw that coming.
    Adeio Vasilia
    Adeio Vasilia

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    Tescia Chronicles* Empty Re: Tescia Chronicles*

    Post by Zezima August 21st 2012, 1:36 pm

    Chapter 1 revision with historical events provided by Lan.

    This is from SoA, 2007, when a troll named crazykramer12 ravaged the forums, and HolyNightmaren was hailed as a hero. Kramer got Holy banned with a false report, but Cochrane took any excuse to ban Holy. After Holy's ban, Lan and a few others formed the Revolution of Gaming forums to revolt against SoA.

    That's the short version. Now for the overly dramatic one.


    For the sake of imagination, just picture Crazy Kramer as a red and black Heath Ledger Joker, all the police as generic motorcycle patrol helmet wearing mooks, and Cochrane as Gorro.

    It's midnight. Ezoa is lit with neon, the streets riddled with puddles from the recent storms.
    A small group of police are escorting a somewhat limp, and gothic looking figure across the street to their incarceration vehicle.

    He's a wanted criminal, they won't risk killing him, but they won't risk him getting away, either. He's put in restraints. Handcuffs enchanted with light minutiae.

    The leader turns away from the group for a moment to contact Cochrane. He puts his fingers to his ear piece, signaling transmission.
    Static. Then a quiet beep.
    "We have Crazy Kramer in custody, sir."
    **How did you manage that?**

    "He actually didn't put up much of a fight. We've tried questioning him, but he hasn't said anything as of yet. Permission to u-- GWUAGH!"
    Crazy Kramer already had his handcuff links around the patrol leader's neck before he could even react. It was immediately a hostage situation.

    The remaining patrol units all drew their weapons and aimed it at Crazy Kramer. Kramer's eyes were obscured by his long hair and slouched posture.

    Crazy Kramer slid the chains of his handcuff links across the leader's throat, slashing him, letting his body fall with a limp thud on the ground.

    The other patrolmen were frozen, unsure what to do. They were given orders to escort Kramer directly to Cochrane. Alive.

    They maintained their ground and waited for Kramer to do something. Anything. He slowly relaxed his arms from their high strangling positon and let them rest at their natural pose.
    "That's enough."

    One of the patrolmen approached, ready to kill Kramer with a light minutiae enhanced charge shot, but as he took a step forward, Kramer looked up.
    Slowly angling his head so his eyes met his oppresor's. The patrolman froze.

    No one spoke. No one moved. All sights crowded in between Kramer's eyes.
    Kramer stared blankly for a moment, then ... smiled. A kind of giddy smile that would remind you of a kid on Christmas getting exactly what he wanted.

    Then he showed his teeth. They were holding something. A round object that sort of resembled a-- *THOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM*
    In an instant, the entire patrol unit was wiped out, Kramer turned, broke his chains with brute force, and ran. Not out of fear ... no. Out of malicious folly.

    As he ran, not breaking stride, he drew his knife, and slashed whomever happened to be in arm's reach.
    He didn't care if they lived or died, he did it for the thrill of the moment.

    He continued. Left. Right. Left. Right. Keeping his steady rhythm of bloodshed.

    Until the pattern stopped. This last civilian didn't heed to his insanity. He seemed immune to Kramer's dark minituae saturation.
    As Kramer threw a knife at this insolent imbecile, the victim, without turning, caught the knife, spun it about, and redirected it straight at Kramer.

    Kramer, barely being able to keep up with this no name's pace, narrowly dodged his own attack. He didn't have time to fight. Cochrane would be on his trail soon enough.

    Without having to attack, Holy had prevented further massacre of Ezoa. Kramer retreated into a conveniently nearby alley.

    But Cochrane didn't see it this way.
    He saw any who attempted to claim his glory in the bounty as an affront to his authority, and this would not be tolerated.

    Do-gooder to the citizens or not, he was a threat to Cochrane's supremacy. But the Ezoan laws dictated no action could be taken unless it explicitly contravened a universal regulation.
    Holy was safe. For now.

    Some filler scenes.
    Days pass.
    Kramer somehow manages to sneak into Cochrane's office unnoticed and confronts him.

    Cochrane reaches for his ever-handy and oversized banhammer, but Kramer raises a hand, motioning him to stop.
    "I have something you may want."
    "The only thing I want is your head."

    "You and I both know that's a lie."
    Kramer pulls out a folder, and tosses it on Cochrane's desk.
    Cochrane examines it before opening, assuming foul play.

    In it, containing a single paper. An official report against Holy for aggravated assault and harrassment.
    Cochrane gives way to a wan grin.
    "What do you want in return?"

    "We'll see."
    "See what?"
    "If this does the trick."
    "Is the deal at least open?"
    "Of course, of course. You may do as you wish."
    The next day, Holy is hanging around Lan, Komodos, and Roter, when they hear a gradual rumble.
    They look towards the horizon and they see a line of men advancing.

    Among them, a giant, doubling in stature of those around him. Musclebound, arrogant, self-righteous. Cochrane.
    Touting on his shoulder, a banhammer of immeasurable volume, at the ready.

    His petty officers surround the small group. A crowd of civilians flock.
    "Restrain all those uninvolved so they are not to interfere," Cochrane ordered without breaking eye contact from Holy.

    The officers swarmed outward, radiating from Cochrane's presence, creating a loose perimeter. Enough to give him space, and enough for the audience to witness this unceremonious event.
    Cochrane pulls out the envelope with his free hand.
    I have here, a summons for your arrest, Holy.
    "Arrest? I haven't done anything!"
    "That's not how Khalumzi will see it once he sees this officiated report sent in."

    "Officiated?! For what?!"
    "One Crazy Kramer has accused you of disturbing the peace. As the acting enforcer of said peace, I must do what I'm ordered to. You know this as well as I."
    "That's a fake! He's frauding you!"

    Cochrane closes his eyes, bows his head and chuckles quietly to himself.
    "Spoken like a true criminal. You may defend yourself if you wish, but you and I both know the outcome of this."
    Lan intervenes.
    "You can't do this! This is unjust! He's being convicted without due process!"
    Cochrane loses his smug disposition as he acknowledges the pestering presence before him.

    "Lan, your record is clean. I have no reason to fight you. Don't give me one."
    Lan holds his tongue, as he stares headlong into his inscrutable eyes.
    "Holy, you can't let him do this. Let us help you."

    "No, Lan. You can't go around sacrificing yourself over every little thing. As of now he only wants me. Better I die instead of all of us."
    "You're just going to give up?!"
    "Of course not. That's not the Holy way. If it's a fight Cochrane wants, it's a fight Cochrane'll get."

    Cochrane's mouth twists into a grin of malice.
    He drops his banhammer from his shoulder to the ground.
    "You are aware it is your option to surrender without a fight. It'd make these easier for both of us."
    "You and I both know you never wanted this the easy way."

    "How astute. But I'm afraid too astute for your own good. You must learn your place, Holy. You are a peon to obey my whims, not the other way around. This lesson will be taught before this is over."
    "I'll never bow to you."
    "Such great words from such small a creature."
    Cochrane grips his banhammer, and with little effort, swings it swiftly down single-handedly straight at Holy's head.
    Holy dives away, in any direction he can to avoid it.

    Lan attempts to jump in, but is immediately held back by the swarms of minions. It's only their fight.
    "Attacking an unarmed citizen. How noble."

    "No nobler than upsetting the established order." Cochrane swings violently at Holy several times, Holy each time moving back just enough to get grazed by the hammer's edge.
    Holy, being only half Cochrane's stature, had no effective strategy to execute. No weakness to exploit. He did all he could do. Reason.

    "You don't have to do this, Cochrane. Respect can be gained in other ways."
    "Respect is for people too afraid to use force, I'm afraid."
    "Then that makes you a coward."
    At this, Cochrane ceased his advance.
    A silence fell over the crowd. All we hear is the wind.

    Cochrane slowly loosens his grip on the banhammer, until it eventually drops to the ground.
    Holy stares on in anticipation, not knowing what to expect.
    Cochrane slowly raises his hands to his chest, grabbing each in a fist.
    His bones crack disgustingly loud.

    Your death will be not from a weapon, not from an order, but from my own hands.
    "It's only fair, Holy. I'm now unarmed as well."

    Cochrane grabs Holy by the throat, lifting him off the ground several feet.

    "This is your last chance, Holy. Admit your guilt and you'll be spared."

    "I admit only to your tyranny."
    Cochrane's grip tightens, choking Holy's life away.
    Cochrane mercilessly drops him to the ground.
    He walks towards his banhammer.

    Holy, crawling on the ground, gasping for breath, attempts to escape by desperately clawing towards the edge of the makeshift ring.
    Cochrane casually brushes himself off, lifts the banhammer's immense dimensions up, and strides towards the now crippled Holy.

    Looming over him like a shadow of doom, Cochrane stares down at the hopelessly stubborn creature before him.
    "Mercy is for the weak."

    Cochrane grips the banhammer by both hands, lifts it well past his head, and lands a lethal, deafening blow.
    Lan's anger is contained only through his interest in self preservation.
    Cochrane looks out towards the crowd, away from the bloodied corpse.

    "There is no rebellion. My word is law in Ezoa, and it shall remain that way. If there are any complaints otherwise, you are free to address me."
    No one spoke.
    "Very well. Your pitiful revolution is over."

    Cochrane motions for his legions of mooks to follow, and the crowd disperses.
    Lan and Komodos approach Holy's lifeless, maimed body.
    On it, wearing the band of the rebellion, of the RoG.
    Lan carefully removes it, and grips it in a moment of grief.

    Without a word, they leave him in peace. Revolution would have its day.
    Meanwhile, back in the Segoku headquarters, Cochrane returns to his managerial tasks.
    Kramer appears once more.

    "So I got what you wanted. Now, my reward?"
    Cochrane looks out his window, without physically acknowledging Kramer, only responding verbally.
    "Oh, yes..."
    Cochrane's motions are slow, deliberate.

    He makes an eventual turn to view Kramer.
    We see in the reflection of Kramer's eyes, the towering figure of Cochrane, with an arm outstretched.
    "...your reward."

    The last we see is Kramer's pupils widen.

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    Post by sykog August 21st 2012, 2:07 pm

    The long, overly dramatic version is always better. A legendary tale.

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    Post by NeoMetalSonic August 21st 2012, 2:15 pm

    Based on real events
    Adeio Vasilia
    Adeio Vasilia

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    Post by Zezima August 21st 2012, 3:12 pm

    Crazy Kramer concept art:

    Tescia Chronicles* 6CzOw

    (The end of the image URL for the cover was "Iceta." This is a sign.)

    Cochrane holding the banhammer, and Crazy Kramer and HolyNightmare staring off in the hammer's reflection.

    Last edited by Zezima on July 24th 2014, 4:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by Jmh August 21st 2012, 4:11 pm

    It's as I truly imagined it.

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    Tescia Chronicles* Empty Re: Tescia Chronicles*

    Post by SpeedyBlueDude August 21st 2012, 7:07 pm

    Zezima wrote:

    Xxxxxx_xxQuiiiiIiIi_IcKCkcKk-sCoic_IOippEZzzzzzX_X_xxx: "lol its kewl. i come from xD"
    I find that really offensive as a member myself. The site users there aren't really stupid, or that idiotic.
    Nnoitra Hushimo
    Nnoitra Hushimo

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    Post by Nnoitra Hushimo August 21st 2012, 7:25 pm

    SpeedyBlueDude wrote:
    Zezima wrote:

    Xxxxxx_xxQuiiiiIiIi_IcKCkcKk-sCoic_IOippEZzzzzzX_X_xxx: "lol its kewl. i come from xD"
    I find that really offensive as a member myself. The site users there aren't really stupid, or that idiotic.
    You sure about that?

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    Tescia Chronicles* Empty Re: Tescia Chronicles*

    Post by 84 August 21st 2012, 7:31 pm

    Your first mistake was joining

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    Tescia Chronicles* Empty Re: Tescia Chronicles*

    Post by Schnickelfritz August 21st 2012, 7:58 pm

    84 wrote:Your first mistake was joining
    And your second was defending them. Filled with bozos. Also, god job, Zezzy.

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